Several decades and a couple of good ideas is enough to change the world. Welcome to an era when information are available for everyone. Mobile phones are outdated as well as other electronic gadgets and all you have to do to find - for example - date of Napoleon's death is to think of it. Imagine: all the human experiences right in your memories.Well, not everything is as perfect as it seems to be. Elliot Cappari made a wrong choice and now is imprisoned for the rest of his life.Short story about a man who is maybe guilty, but does not feel pangs of conscience. He believes that his sentence is not fair and decides to change his destiny. But the freedom costs separation from human society and everything he has ever known.Sorry about possible grammar mistakes. English is my second language.Written for Czech writing competition National Literary Award For Young Writers 2019 on theme "Offline". (Didn't win anything :'D)~~~Na konci léta 2021 přibyl k původní anglické verzi rozšířený český překlad. Za novou vymazlenou obálku vděčím @AndrewDareon. Za betaci a spoustu přínosných poznámek děkuji @EttelwenRave.…