24/7: Total Drama Discord Edition
A group of contestants (known as 'houseguests') live together in a specially designed house that is isolated from the outside world. The houseguests are continuously monitored during their stay in the house by live television cameras as well as personal audio microphones.The competition is split up into 'weeks'; in each week, houseguests compete in a 'Head of Household' (HOH) competition and a 'Power of Veto' (POV) competition. The winner of the HOH gets to nominate two houseguests for eviction. The winner of the POV competition can choose to leave the nominations as is, or 'veto' the nomination of one houseguest, forcing the HOH to nominate another houseguest in their place.At the end of the week, all houseguests (except the HOH and the two nominees) will cast their votes to determine which nominee will be evicted; the houseguest receiving a majority of the votes is evicted; if there is a tie, the reigning Head of Household must publicly cast the tie-breaking vote. After the eviction, the cycle starts anew with another HOH competition; the previous week's HOH is not eligible to compete (with the exception of the final 3 HOH competition).At a certain point in the game, the houseguests evicted from that point on are sequestered in the 'Jury House'. Once only two houseguests remain, the members of the Jury will cast their votes to decide the winner. The winner receives a cash prize of $500,000 and the runner-up receives $50,000.NOTE: 24/7 is a parody of the reality television show 'Big Brother'. The rights for the ideas behind Big Brother go to their respective owners; I only own this story.NOTE: The characters are based off of competitors from a Total Drama Discord series; they were named after campers from the animated Total Drama series. The characters' backstories were altered to fit the TDD competitors, and will differ from the actual TD campers. I do not own the characters to the story nor their first names; I only own this story.…