Toucan, Macaw, and the Dragons We've Met

Toucan, Macaw, and the Dragons We've Met

65 0 7

Hello and welcome! My name is Toucan, and I'm glad you stopped by. This is just a small collection of descriptions and short stories about some of the dragons me and my brother have met on our travels throughout Pyrrhia. I hope you enjoy learning about them as much as I have!…

Random Scenes

Random Scenes

14 0 2

Enjoy some random scenes of Me, my brother Macaw, our friends, acquaintances, friends-acquaintances, and whoever else we feel like writing about…

Tocan's story

Tocan's story

117 5 5

Well , hello there ! My name is Tocan . I'm a 4 year old rainwing dragonet , and I'm here to tell you about my life . I hope you enjoy reading it ! P.S. if you have not read all the books up to book 5 , there will be some spoilers . So I recomend that you do not read this until you read all the books up to book 5 .…

Find your fantasy name genorater !                     (Its not always a name)

Find your fantasy name genorater ! (Its not always a name)

135 3 3

Hi ! I'm TocanTheRainwing ! And this is a thing that you get to find one of your fantasy name according to the month and day you where born on . For example: let say You where born on june 8th . there would be 32 numbers with names beside them . You would go to Number 8 . And the name beside number 8 would be your name . Then there would be months- January-December - . And each month would have a job or something beside it . You would go to june and whatever job or something was beside that would be your job or something . I got this idea from SilverDragoness's name genorater . You should really check there's out , its really good . And they got there idea from someone named AwesomeBigE . I hope you all get names that yo like ! Have fun !…