Funny Texts
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Like my story "Just Little Quotes, this'll be lyrics. All the lyrics hold special meaning and I hope you like them too!.xx…
Literally just quotes I love (most may be unknown)…
Me talking about the race we call Humanity.Scientists call us Homo Sapiens.I call it ranting about idiots on this planet or basically the 3/4 of my race (#AmericaYo).I feel blessed that I (and the majority of people I know) are in the 1/4 of smarts.WARNING: You may or not be insulted by my merciless ranting and hate towards people unworthy of my presence...Have a good day:D…
OKAY! So I know this was up at one point but then I got hacked and all this crap, soooooooo I'm going to do a depressions quote book and, like, explain my thoughts and meaning by each one.To anyone whom was reading, I am deeply sorry about this bit of...misfortune.~TSG…