Fear not the Blue Python
"A true assassin never reveals its secrets.""Even your friends doesn't even know your second blade!""Afraid of not being...afraid."These are the last quotes Nagisa heard, that kept on repeating in his head, before leaving E-Class. Koro-Sensei died, of course, and the graduation ceremony ended. Some of the kids left Kunuguigaoka and others didn't. The others tried contacting Nagisa, only to find nothing.Nagisa still works as a teacher, but he's mostly an assassin. The name he got was the Blue Python. The blue is where the hair color comes in. Python is the term they used on him:"He strikes at night, killing his prey in an instant. This guy isn't like any other assassins, no he isn't. He's sneaky, quiet, even the shadows blends in with him. He hides his intent of bloodlust, until the last second, springing onto him like a Python."After hearing those rumors, that's when Nagisa took on the legendary name, the Blue Python. He thought his life was will never be disturbed, but oh he was wrong when the old E-Class group chat rang up.That's when the two class officers decided to throw a reunion party. Their old gym and language arts teacher came along with the students. Karma was still a sadist, Okijima is still a perv, and Kayano is now a star. Lovro came, but someone else was with him too, someone Karma and Kayano wanted to see for a very long time.Oh yeah, did I forgot to mention that his next target is now the new principal of Kunugigoaka Junior high, Gakushuu Asano? Well, Nagisa now has to kill him before Gakushuu's dark plan hurts others.…