Papis Lost innocence (Monmusu)

Papis Lost innocence (Monmusu)

1,171 4 4

in a world where all monsters are horny futas who will fuck anything with a pussy or cock, Papi is the only known actual female. Along with this. she is almost too innocent having not been exposed to any sort of sexual things. Well when she moves in with Kurusu, that changes completely.Every chapter has papi getting fucked in some way. Also there are characters from other things.…

Oc Book

Oc Book

680 16 6

What do you think…

Go book for people

Go book for people

262 2 2

I dont know…

Fire Emblem Three Houses Rp

Fire Emblem Three Houses Rp

287 2 4

It's in title…

3 houses to for Kikoro

3 houses to for Kikoro

49 0 1

as it says…

Animal/Monster Breeding rp (Requests Welcome)
Pm Rp

Pm Rp

387 0 3
