Gonna make a book of my short stories and Self-Indulgence. If you don't like it, why reading this?This book is just when I make short stories of AUs n such, and Self-Indulgence in case my simp brain cell is demanding cuddles and fluff from fictional characters.…
You are Deimos' little sibling, gifted with intelligence at the age of 6. You've been defending yourself after Deimos disappeared, don't know how to do combat but you taught yourself on building traps incase of invaders. It was just a normal day until you heard a knock on the door, who could it be?(The reader is gender neutral btw)(Madness Combat belongs to Krinkles)…
The Hub...A strange place somewhere surrounded by the multiverse, only beings with special powers works there...One with multi-dimentional powers, a beast older than time itself, a man with mysterious powers, many more...The owner of the Hub, a girl with many names; The Multiverse Lady, the Elemental's Daughter, Granddaughter of the Multiverse, The Original, Traveler of the Universe, Lulu, etc... The girl's name can only be heard by the ones she entrusted most deeply, nothing of her name can be heard by those who are strangers to her.But one day, someone with equal powers has infiltrated the Hub and seeked out the Galaxian Crystal. This is the beginning of an adventure...…
3 years after the Blixer incident, Paradise is at it's peace finally. But peace was never here to begin with, Spinel heard a voice she knew long ago and was forced to revive the Corrupted Gargoyle.Ace and Blixer felt a massive corrupted energy spiking from the Lost Cave, investigating the place to becoming shocked of what they are seeing. They failed to stop the resurrection of the Corrupted Gargoyle, Paradise once fallen into corruption again and it's up to the quartet and friends to stop the new corrupted threat.(This is a sequel to Corruption and Purity, this story have a lot of angst since this is an angsty au.)…
What if Mother of Corruption was given a second chance? A new life as a different shape, but she will have no knowledge of the past she done. Her old name passed away as the new name be...Reconnect. When Reconnect discovered her song, she felt fear for the first time. Fear of being related to the one that brought chaos to Paradise. Her insecurities became a bad habit of hers, keeping her own song a secret from any shapes...Corrupted is the new Void Guardian of Time after he witnessed his twin sister Chronos's exection for being a traitor against Paradise. Griving for his sister and denying everything he witnessed, it became an unhealthy habit of his. Logic and Milky Way are feeling concerns for the poor young void guardian. How can he recover from his habit? What if the two shapes met? Could it be destiny or convenient? Can they help each other in order to accept who they are/what happened?(Reconnect AU is a romantic slice of life JSAB AU I randomly created.)…
(Y/n) Schnee was a young boy who is the youngest of the family, but your father and mother abused you. You are not having a good life what so ever. What will happen if that boy found a mysterious mask?…
Paradise, the home of the great treeangle, is a peaceful place for shapes to live. The treeangle shimmered with warming pink light, it created a special pink circle named Roi. but then, a shape was known as a Zodian Knight was awaken and attack the village. It's up to Roi to stop the Corrupted Zodian Knight and restore Paradise...…
A new inmate has arrived in Nanba Prison, the inmates of Cell 13 are curious on who will it be. This inmate was assigned to be in their cell. Once the inmate arrive, Uno was surprisingly shocked to see who...…
Paradise was a very peaceful land until four young shapes got created into the world. None of them are like any other shapes, they are the Sacred Shapes. Then a corrutped awaken an spreads corruption across Paradise, it is up for the Sacred Shapes to defeat the corrupted named Blixer....The King of Corruption...…
Cast;WheatleyCraig(Fact)Willson(Space)Rick(Adventure)(GLaDOS is being my assistant in the ask book)(This takes place after Portal 2 and both Wheatley and Willson came back to Earth)…
It's been two years after the Darker Lord incident. Great Sage Shockwave and his adopted son/apprentice Uprising, which was rebirth, are traveling around the lands of Miitopia. It was peaceful in all the lands until a new threat named the Medusa Puppeteer appears, it turned people in Miitopia into stone puppets. It turned Great Sage Shockwave into a stone statue an kept him as it's prisoner. It's up to Rebirth Uprising to save Miitopia, will he be able to defeat the Medusa Puppeteer? Or will he end up turning into stone?(Really enjoyed playing Miitopia, I can use; me, my friends' characters, and other characters I chose mostly JSAB characters. It's really fun to play, so I made this fanfic of after rescuing the Great Sage and the Dark Curse reborn as a second chance. I hope you will enjoy this!)…
Paradise was peaceful ever since Annihilate was defeated, Sora decided to visit Square and the others. But everything went down into corruption chaos once again since the legend foretold that the true lord of pure corruption will be awaken...(This is the sequel of the story "Just Shapes and Nobodies", also this takes place in KH3. So it might be a spoiler kinda for the people that haven't watched or played KH3. Also if you haven't read Just Shapes and Nobodies yet, I recommend you to read that first before reading this. You will understand once you read JSAN.)…
After the Android Revolution has ended, humans and androids live equally in peace. Connor and Nines was heading home to Hank until Connor heard crying near the alleyway. He investigate it and was shocked to see what it appears to be an abandoned baby...…