

961 168 9

Sophie Langston is far from the perfect teen. When she's forced to take a babysitting job for the most prominent family in town it seems like a harsh punishment. The rumors surrounding that family alone are enough to make her plead for a second chance but some things....are written in stone.…

Toe to Toe

Toe to Toe

729 88 7

Tia's whole life has been ballet. She's never had any other goal, never let anyone or anything distract her. When injured boxer Chase 'Teflon' needs an edge it's the perfect opportunity to fix the hole in her resume keeping her from NYC. His right hook is deadly, but it's nothing compared to the jab he delivers to her heart.❤Cover by the Amazingly talented @pinkforest1…

Killing Tink

Killing Tink

42,503 4,377 42

Jade is sixteen years old when she leaves her abusive boyfriend on the beach for a stranger who offers her safety. It doesn't take long to realize that not all deeds are done with good intentions. For years she's kept as a pet and turned into Tink, the perfect toy who takes it all and says thank you. Is there a way to get back Jade, or has Tink ruled too long? ***this book contains adult levels of violence and scenes of abuse. It is for mature audiences.****Cover by the magical @krazydiamond with a million sparkly thanks❤❤❤…

Point Perfect

Point Perfect

444 64 1

***A SHORT DARK TALE ***I don't believe my father. His search for the perfect moment between life and death is a holy grail that doesn't exist. Right?…

In A Heartbeat

In A Heartbeat

41,229 4,615 40

Life is a series of constantly moving moments that can change or end "In a Heartbeat". For Cassie Summers that beat has always been a struggle.; measured literally one beat at a time waiting for her heart to stop altogether. At 22, Cassie was supposed to have a peaceful death at home with her parents. Until she didn't. In a twist of fate she ended up getting a new shot at life but keeping it may just be her greatest challenge. Someone isn't happy with how things turned out and figuring out why just may lead her back to death's door. ****scifi adventure with a touch of heart & soul****❤️Cover by the amazingly talented and super terrific best of the bunch @rskovachs❤This draft is a limited time engagement. I plan on removing it approx 3/1/2018.…



5,530 442 1

Families come in every flavor, some just leave a bitter taste in your mouth.Thank you @Gabriel_Pope for the amazing cover!!…

Love, Inherited

Love, Inherited

77,387 4,591 33

Hayden barely knew her aunt Dee. When big shot lawyer Warren Williams called to say she had been left an inheritance Hayden thought it would be a piece of jewelry or a small sum of cash. Nothing prepared her for owning and running a beach resort. Suddenly the part time artist finds herself swimming in a sea of hot guys and happiness. But even paradise has it's share of storms!…

Site #6

Site #6

376 49 1

The rules of staying alive are easy if you follow them. Sometimes just saying them over and over is enough to get you through the visit. But in Site #6 things are never easy.Thank you @krazydiamond for the amazing cover!!!…

I Gotta Kill the Prom Queen

I Gotta Kill the Prom Queen

18,091 1,611 26

Being second in command is a hard job. Looking amazing (but just a little less amazing than the Tiffany the current queen), swallowing your pride when belittled, and making fun of everyone beneath your standard group even when they are probably cool and you'd probably hang out with them if you weren't such a pansy about losing your 2nd place pedestal. But when I kill the Queen it's up to me how the court works. Right?…



511 36 1

Moving from city to city has taught me one thing. Belonging to a group comes at a price. Sometimes it's more than you bargained for.…

Blood Mother. A Vampire Tale

Blood Mother. A Vampire Tale

49,613 4,762 33

Calina remembered very little from her life before it was stolen from her. As she cradled the sleeping boy in her arms, she tried to recreate the one thing she could never forget: the feeling of being a mother. She hummed softly the way she had for her own children and kissed his cool cheek. When she had spent every moment she could with him and the sun threatened to rise, she fed from his tiny throat. It was euphoric, but it lasted only for a moment. Then the hunt to find another would begin. Stone Hoyt was assigned to the solve a string of child killings that everyone believed was the work of a serial killer on the loose. But Stone was more than a street cop and knew firsthand the work of the undead. His past experience and training would lead him to network the underground and invade the nests. Finding the vamp that decided children were acceptable targets. And when he did, there would be no hesitation in putting a stake though its heart and sending it back to hell where it belonged. Stone would gladly go there himself, as long as the vamp was with him.****finished version of the Wattpad draft****…

Glitz Gurlz on Deck

Glitz Gurlz on Deck

133,179 7,297 16

*********Wattpad Featured Story*********Ever wondered how many sacrifices a cheerleader must make to stay beautiful and popular? You have no idea!! This story highlights the blood, sweat, and tears of just a single week in this barbie world. Especially blood. Lots and lots of blood. This is Scary Movie meets London Tipton meets Barbie. take note : plot holes and blonde moments will occur!!…

Miles & Memories

Miles & Memories

1,219 116 8

A journey through time measured in miles and memories all connected to a treasured pink Cadillac…



512 40 1

SHORT STORY/ HORROR: "Curses always come back to you, don't you know that?" Mary didn't, but she would.…

The Friendzone Promposal -#OnceUponNow

The Friendzone Promposal -#OnceUponNow

11,490 1,010 6

Mallory has dreamed of, drooled over, and loved Trevor from the trenches of the Friendzone for over a year. When he asks her to help him deliver a Promposal to the new girl Jessica, she dreams of the magic of fairy tale's, but only belief in herself can help her find her wings. Can she soar from the Friendzone to a Promposal of her own?This is my entry for the Once Upon Now contest.❤️❤️Votes count only June 14- June 21!!!❤️❤️…

Fair Grounds - Short Stories

Fair Grounds - Short Stories

1,097 133 7

Wander through the booths and feel free to gawk at the sights. But don't touch anything and never, ever make eye contact. Did you remember to sign the form? Then by all means, come in. 1) a new app is just the allure KT needs to get adventurous. But how far will she go, and does she want the prize?2) Edith dreams of being thin, and her journey does become a reality, just not in a way she imagined?3) Sarah's interview is anything but ordinary but will it bring her fame an wealth? And at what cost?3) Ebony loses and finds her inner voices as she again becomes Queen.3-The unknown came with warnings. Following them should save your life. Easy wasn't part of the deal. And neither was survival.…

Poems That Don't Fit

Poems That Don't Fit

2,129 372 10

Poems that seem to stand alone…

My Boyfiend Slenderman

My Boyfiend Slenderman

8,534 727 19

He's tall, dark and kind of handsome. Well, he is tall. And dark. I'm actually not sure about the handsome. But he's mine. And he certainly gives me enough attention! I mean, anyone willing to chase me that hard has to at least be given a shot.....right?…

Fairy Tale Poems - With a Twist

Fairy Tale Poems - With a Twist

3,505 185 6

Fairy tales are so often boxed into good and evil. Just for fun I'm trying on a new set, a little darker in some corners, but still hopefully keeping the heart of the characters themselves. What if princesses were serial killers and fairy god mothers were really evil? Hmmm…