The Creation

The Creation

130 19 8

Its about this Young Girl who has been made in the world by nothing but her own Scientists Doctor.Demon who had made others before her no matter she was the smartest.and can beat her brothers in the fights she has made with them. but that all changed when she was the last to leave the Doctor alone and run for her life to meat people who cares…



77 6 6

Just updates…



512 16 8

The title tells all…



32 6 2

Its about a old Friend of Jason the toy maker (my little doll) Maskerine had two brothers the masked feen ,and Puppeteer. the masked feen was the oldest out all three then Puppeteer then Masquerade she was the sweet one in the family who can control any thing they want masquerade did not want to control every thing she liked messing with the undead in till she meat Jason…

Vampire Love

Vampire Love

226 10 8

It is about a little girl saving a vampire boy even in war with the demons in crimes a ere the little girls parents said not to go out side but the war was going on for a long time then she gose out side and sees a demon chasing a vampire and he had food and he was little boy the demond has no Sympathy for the vampire then she goes up to the demon and the Sunden she has a sword blocking his attack and gose in front the vampire and and she has to colored eyes one blue and the other red but she had no one see her red eye but the demon did not attack her and he backed offAnd left ahe pickes up the little boy and said go on a head and go years later the war was over and it was a tie and the boy has a goul to find the little girl rhat saved him the day the war ended…

The Wolf Guy Can't Get The Wolf Girl

The Wolf Guy Can't Get The Wolf Girl

640 52 18

It is about old friends In high school macking new friends all the. Time and rose the wolf girl likes her old friend he is a real pain but no later What he will never try to get her not she wins him over by well I won't spill the ending…