1,000 Crazy Facts
Which animal can't feel pain? What will happen if you drink too much water? Who invented tampons?Read to find out!Due to Wattpad implementing ads, I recommend you turn off WiFi and data for uninterrupted reading.…
Which animal can't feel pain? What will happen if you drink too much water? Who invented tampons?Read to find out!Due to Wattpad implementing ads, I recommend you turn off WiFi and data for uninterrupted reading.…
You TOTALLY didn't know these!…
New and intriguing bits of knowledge are being discovered each day in the world which surrounds us. Here is a compiled list of facts which you or a friend might find interesting!…
Random facts about random topics.…
In this book the purpose is to get as funny and clever as possible. A sentence will be given and it's your job to finish it!…
A guide to help you on your journey to becoming the ultimate spaghetti ninja!…