A Tale of The Sun and The Moon [ENGLISH]

A Tale of The Sun and The Moon [ENGLISH]

54 6 4

Princess Katerina Alekseyeva had only one intention in life - to inherit the kingdom of Windfalls when the time came and to lead her people in the way her late father had done. But when her kingdom is attacked by the notorious Etiorians, and she discovers a glimmer of the power she possesses, her life takes a completely different path.One of the top officials, Colonel Andrej Popov, comes under the orders of General Bogdanov to bring the princess to the palace of the High King of Northern Ravenshield, in order to confirm the rumors circulating about the princess's debatable powers.With her newfound powers, the unwavering attraction of Bogdanov, her bigotry and forced proximity with Popov, friendships, secrets, betrayal and deceit, Katerina is the key they need to defeat the Dark King. But will the realization alone be enough to return power to where it belongs, or is something more sinister lurking beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to cover everything under the veil of darkness?Because the darkness is getting closer to every part of Ravenshield, and with it, it is closer to Katerina's heart aswell.…

Priča o suncu i mesecu

Priča o suncu i mesecu

6,811 827 56

Princeza Katerina Aleksejeva je imala samo jednu nameru u životu - da nasledi kraljevstvo Vindfolsa kada za to dođe vreme i da vodi svoj narod na način na koji je njen pokojni otac činio. Ali kada njeno kraljevstvo bude napadnuto od strane ozloglašenih Etijorana, a ona otkrije tračak moći koje poseduje, njen život kreće potpuno drugom putanjom.Jedan od vrhovnih činovnika, pukovnik Andrej Popov, dolazi pod naređenjem generala Bogdanova da dovede princezu u palatu Vrhovnog kralja severnog Rejvenšilda, ne bi li utvrdili glasine koje kruže o princezinim diskutabilnim moćima.Uz svoje novootkrivene moći, nepokolebljivu privlačnost Bogdanova, netrpeljivost i prisilnu povezanost sa Popovim, prijateljstva, tajni, izdaja i prevara, Katerina je ključ koji im je potreban za pobedu nad Kraljem Tame. Ali hoće li sama spoznaja biti dovoljna da bi se vlast vratila onome kome pripada ili nešto zlokobnije vreba ispod površine čekajući pravi trenutak da sve zavije pod veo tame?Jer, tama je sve bliža svakom delu Rejvenšilda, a samim tim bliža je i Katerininom srcu.…

Silent Boy [ENGLISH]

Silent Boy [ENGLISH]

14,621 782 28

Scarlett Young is a 30-year-old psychiatrist who, after monotonous cases, gets one that doesn't get rejected so easy - the case of a serial killer. At first, it seems like a black-and-white case, but what will happen when Scarlett starts to doubt it all? And who she can trust - Her mentor, her detective crush or a cunning psychopath behind the glass?Should she believe her own instinct or is the cunning villain playing with her mind all along? SORRY IF THERE ARE SOME GRAMMAR MISTAKES, ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE.Cover: SweetAngel126…

Silent Boy

Silent Boy

70,297 4,508 28

Skarlet Jang je 30-godišnji psihijatar koji nakon monotonih slučajeva dobije jedan koji se ne odbija tako olako - slučaj serijskog ubice. Na početku joj to predstavlja vrstu izazova, ali šta će se desiti kada više ne bude sigurna u verodostojnost samog slučaja? Da li verovati sopstvenom instinktu ili se zapravo lukavi zlikovac poigrava njenim razumom?Cover by: SweetAngel126…

Pre nego što odeš

Pre nego što odeš

392 37 1

Jedna priča koju sam napisala pre nekoliko godina u srednjoj školi i prosledila je na nekoliko konkursa. :),,Neću ti reći zbogom zato što znam da ćemo se ponovo videti. Negde. Nekada. Nekako.''…

Stvari koje ti nikad neću reći

Stvari koje ti nikad neću reći

242 29 1

Često su stvari koje ljudi ostavljaju za sobom ožiljci.…