Wings of Fire: Flights of Matrimony
*Cover by TheRealDrakeRedwing*Do you like Wings of Fire? Yes?!Awesome! You have passed one-third of the very prestigious pre-reading process. Now...Do you ship different characters together? That too?! Fantastic, because you have now passed two-thirds of the process. Now, our last question. Do want to see your ships sail? Yes?! GREAT! Then you have clicked on the right book for you! In, Wings of Fire: Flights of Matrimony, you will get to read proposals and weddings of your favorite WoF ships! This book is co-written with TheRealDrakeRedwing, and what you are about to read is the product of our ideas put together.So, brave and adventurous warrior click on-HAHA, just kidding! But yeah, if you want to read, then click (or tap) on the READ button because well... that's the only way you will find out what's inside. So, without further ado... (I actually used 'without further ado' I feel smart now XD ) Brought to you by Drake & Sofi Presents......Wings of Fire: Flights of Matrimony ~cue for you to click on READ~…