Gone With the Wind
Reina Rosetta had a hard life, but once she goes to Hogwarts can she hide her true identity and survive Reeta Skeeter's horrible and offending articles. What happens when the ministry is after her, and all of Hogwarts hates her? Can she discover the truth and answer all the lies, can she survive to get her crush or will she be crushed by all of the wizarding world? Until, SHE SWAPS BODIES with the most popular girl in school Alexis Havarti! Until then Reina learns her deepest darkest secret..Reminder my loves this is the timing of the golden trio and not Lilly and James Potter so don't get confused if you can't find the Mauraders anywhere!HAPPY READING💜and Ps there is some adult content so I advise 13+ and also don't spam "ew" and "weird" once again it's my story and my decisions your opinion does matter but not when your being hateful because the characters aren't actually straight.…