julius' haiku

julius' haiku

23 1 9

I wrote these poems thinking I'm writing them everyday. . . it turns out I've only written quite a few. Compilation of HaikusDisclaimer: Written in English Language Started: April 2023Ended: May 2023Completed: August 7, 2024…

"Prompting A Persona"

69 0 24

weaving stories, putting on one's shoesendless empathy, admirable apathydistinct perspectives, scaled pov'sallow me to prompt a narrativethrough the lens of this kid by heart -an eighteen kinda mature seekercompilation of poemsStarted: January 7, 2023Ended: December 26, 2023Completed: December 27, 2023(unedited)…

mistaken vow

mistaken vow

16 0 2

"Our hands are intertwined and he vowed that nothing could break us apart." She was hopeful but like a broken glass, everything will never be the samea semi-poetry and narrative piecerewritten and completed on the year of 2023…

"Photographed Sentiments"

91 2 23

Unphotographed memories left untouchedCandid emotions, mundane lettersAllow me to weave this sensationsBy photographing the sentimentsOf a seventeen year something explorerCompilation of poemsDisclaimer: Written in English Language Started: December 26, 2022Ended: December 31, 2023Completed: January 1, 2024(Unedited)…

"Letters To No One"

118 10 22

Sweet SixteenSirens Sought Some StarsWritten for the souls who needWritten for someone who can relateWritten for own retrospect and creativityWritten for the year of 2022engraved deep in the heart,letters to no one is all for the people in the darkCompilation of poemsDisclaimer: An English and Filipino CollectionStarted: December 31, 2021Ended: December 20, 2022Completed: December 20, 2022(unedited)…

"Random Thoughts"

173 22 21

Fifteen figure fighterFighting for feather flockerOpen your eyes Be the oneTo witnessThe meanings of a fifteen year old lifeA compilation of poemsDisclaimer: An English and Filipino CollectionStarted: October 7, 2021Ended: December 22, 2021Completed: January 13, 2022 (Unedited)…