So What If My Best Friend Is A Decpticon ( A TFP Fanfic, Book 1 )

So What If My Best Friend Is A Decpticon ( A TFP Fanfic, Book 1 )

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I smirked and rattled the chain to my handcuffs, the elderly man across the table sighed.I propped my leather combat boots on the interrogation table.Agent Fowler shook his head." get them off "I smirked again and let them fall off the table. I mumbled under my breath." What's that!" Asked the agent coldly. I look him dead in the eye." So What If My Best Friend is a Deception!"( "ok let me back up for you guys so you web aren't confused, my name is Rachel, and this is my story )" I don't own Transforms Prime, Rachel and her alien friends are mine XD "…