The Derivative Saga #1: Neocopy
In the city of urban dystopia Neocopy (in the year 2199), sixteen-year-old Aiden Huang lives the cushy life in as the son of the top executives of a pharmaceutical company. But when his life is thrown into disarray by the brutal sabotage of a rival company, he joins a group of "taggers", an anarchist collective of thieves, mercenaries, and hackers that steal, bribe, and kill to obtain the latest technology and trade secrets...for the highest bidder, of course. There, he meets the dangerous and beautiful Luna Velata, a mysterious girl with a barcode stenciled on her neck and a checkered past nobody fully knows. As he navigates the treacherous underbelly of Neocopy outside the corrupt law system governing the city, Aiden is forced into a fight of survival against the powerful, oligarchical forces that seek to destroy him. Meanwhile, he also begins to unravel the secret research his parents' company was conducting on the Bar Bar (an incredibly giant, impenetrable structure sitting in the middle of the ocean), secrets that could spell the end of Aiden's world as he knows it.…