A Feudal Betrayal
In the seemingly idyllic world of high school friendships and budding romance, a shocking betrayal shatters the lives of five inseparable friends. Their trust is brutally broken, leaving them reeling and lost. In a desperate attempt to escape the pain, they stumble upon an ancient well, only to be transported to a mystical realm. Here, they encounter a mysterious boy with dog ears, pinned to a tree by an arrow, and an enigmatic girl in a high school uniform, who frees him with an air of unease. As they navigate this uncharted territory, they begin to unravel the secrets of this new world, while confronting the darkness that has followed them from their own. With friendship, love, and loyalty tested to the limits, A Feudal Betrayal is a gripping tale of betrayal, self-discovery, and the unbreakable bonds that define us.Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or artwork credit to the creators and artists. Mostly take place during the events of Inuyasha and I will fill in my own twists.…