2,308 192 26

kowacce uwa tana alfahari da y'ay'anta amma awajen nasu uwar tamkar wahala da nauyi Haihuwarsu ya zame mata wanda take saukeshi da kyar, gabaki daya rayuwarta revolves around her endlesss meetings, the social rallies and big big political events which have taken toll in thier family life tun suna ya kanana.this might be new dan wann labarin is deeply engaging and emotionally powerful that captures the banging complexities of trauma, betrayal , relationships, and resilience.. no regrets!!!#HOT LOVE#STEAMY ROMANCE#COMEBACKSERIES#JAVEED MUFASA#NUR FIRDAUS2024#SURAYYAHMS.#🔞EROTICS.…

CHEATERS CLUB(Babban goro sai magogin ƙarfe)

CHEATERS CLUB(Babban goro sai magogin ƙarfe)

14,451 943 38

#"When friends become foes, it's a bitter pill to swallow. from friends to foea bitter twist of fate"..#Once allies, now distant shadows in the rearview."#Friendship's demise, a tale of shifting tides."…



224,866 18,819 53

Destiny at fault In life of sarah bukar.Raped,pregnant,scorned,used,confused and cought up in mixed feeling of true love and loyalty.#sarah bukar#mahfudlingard#yazeedAttah…



36,407 3,177 25

"Babu tantama ko shakku duk inda kaga tarayyar mutum uku to na ukun sun shedan ne".The Brave men falcons,a group of military tycoons trio that spell and cast the words of true solidarity in their friendship have been the citys best kept secret for years.but strange side effect is appearing as thy hit the aura of limitlessly unending fame,luxury and unstoppable power.When A freak suicide force tear them apart down to the era of thy spring born mates ravishing an UNTOUCHED DESTINY.Be not afraid of destiny, some are born by destiny,some achieved destiny and others hve thy destiny engineered right in their DNA.. Sun kasance a duniya mabanbanta but what will happen if all that bind is an unravalling DESTINY UNTOUCHED.In har qaddara zanen ubangiji ne then Let seee how the complicated destiny of nashwan hakeem wamako and zairah wasim kaita unveils.Give it a hack OR,u will be addicted.…

KUDI...kumbar susa!

KUDI...kumbar susa!

24,357 771 8

Yar cikin aminiyarta ta aure mata miji...komin nisan jifa kasa zai fado,haka ma komin nisan dare gare zai waye,qaddara zanen ubangiji ne ayayin da shi mugunta da jahilci kirkiran mutum ne...find out what happen when the unxpected meet the expected.#JUD#Daddy Aliyu#hajiya Ramat…



5,062 192 4

Budurwansa dayake mutuwarso itace amaryan Mahaifinsa.....BETRAYAL IS AN INHERENT PART OF LOVE........…



212,887 13,579 21

Its all about Abusive marriages ,sex and loyalty.…



19,152 1,238 21

This is a short, hopely amazing story of a witty-smart girl wasimé Aliyou in her love_hate relationship with her biggest critic yet wildest fantasy,i hope u'did enjoy it.#wasimé#Taheer#saheeb…



179,871 21,408 43

Tuntuben harshe yafi tuntuben kafa zafi,na kafa saurin warkewa yake,na harshe kuwa saurin illa ta mutum yake har karshen rayuwar sa....#Nadra mahmud#Asad#Azad#carmila obasi campbells…



28,866 1,404 13

Hadakar labarai kala kala daga marubutan kungiyar hausa brilliant writers association domin fadakarwa da ilimantarwa.…



833,950 44,129 48

Ya zatayi da Yarinyar da bata kai ta goge mata takalmi ba amma ta kwace mata miji?......#Suhan#captain majeed# Zarah…



4,905 347 18

Bansan meye Soyayya ba kace? Soyayya fa kace Ahmed? Kasan ma'anar kalman soyayya ma kuwa? Toh barikaji, Soyayya shine wanda na maka Ahmed, sabida Soyayyar ka shine ya rabani da Addini na, kabilata, da iyayena...tayaya ne xan Amince da wann juyin mulkin Ahmed?..#Ahmed bello jimada#yasrah hussain#Reema bassey#kafayat buraimo…



614,042 32,260 48

Meet DR MOHAN...and his two weird wives.#Banafsha#mohan#nimrah…


2,683 93 19

mijintane dan boko baison haihuwa....#Nafisa...…



5,820 540 16

"GULNAR assidique badaru Ta kasance yarinya mai tsananin jiji da kai da giggiwa wance bata ɗauki talaka abakin komi ba face abun takawarta,ita yar gata ce,tun tasowarta batada wani abar fargaba a duniya face yar uwarta HEER ALKALI wanda take ganin kamr ita kadaice tafita da komi a fadin duniya,saidai galihu da gata yazo ya wanke mata wnn fargaban musmmn da aka nunata a matsayin yarinyar da ake zaton takai ta kasance a matsayin matar boyayyen dan sarkin nan yerima SUJAMAL wanda labarinshi kawai akeji amma wani mutum bai taɓa ganin kamanninshi ba,shidin dan wani mashahurin masarautane mai ji da tsantsan mulki da tarin dukiya."Shikuma ya kasance mutum ne mai saukin hali da tausayin nakasa dashi wanda ya fito duniya a matsayin boyayyen mutum inda babu wani wanda yasan ko shi dan waye ne!Qaddara ce ta haɗasu waje guda inda ya zamto driver motar yarinyar da ake zaton zai aura wato gulnar assidque badaru!tirƙashi 'when east meet west"shin yaya zata kaya tsakaninsu?....this love is in circle lets find out who is actually, the breadwinner....…



663,948 49,994 46

"Never let your best friend become your enemy"...that was my abbus last words before he left the world.Am a perfect girl,with a perfect heart i secrifice alot witout expecting returns.In this world they are two main life directors,the push or pull factors,surely one is good one is bad, both are necessity.BUT my necessity was meeting him,who is he?the royal prince of persia.a bonified brigadier general of USMC. As a wife, sister, or maid that only my destiny will tell....#Bahiyya Ahmed#khaldun sa'ood#junnut…



58,038 8,783 56

"Na rasa ni wata irin baqar mujiyace,Duk wanda yake tare Dani saiyayi Gamo da baqinciki acikin zuciyarsa.Na rasa ni wata irin mace ce da bani da albarka Sam Sam saidai ayita kuka Dani".."life is full of negative and positive numbers but Not once have anyone ever want the number zero,they are unaware dat zero is the number where there is no happiness nor sadness,zero is a tranquil place where ones find his inner peace. 15year old Rufaida Abubakar Malami has seen d world through numbers where Everyone in the negative lane is striving for the positive and those in d positive only strive hard to stay up der,thou it sumtimes prompt dem to fall down to the negatives yet everybody seems to forget about the number ZERO which poor rufaida is striving so hard for.Acikin duniyarta mai dauke da fuska uku,da kusurwan qaddarori guda uku da Abokan rayuwa guda uku,Da mutuwa uku.Hell is a the world who doesn't care or understand her being non binary number,it has been a lonely life for her now and always not until she finds comfort in her own grievious SHADES.Positive, negative, da zero, sune lakanin abokan rayuwarta, majaze ne mabanbanta guda uku,saidai Duk wanda ya kasance cikin lambar positive da nagetive ba lallai ya rayu da Ita ba,ita zero ne Dan haka zero ne kadai zai iya tsallake qaddarar mutuwa wanda Allah ya riga ya dorama qaddarar rayuwarta,..#Rufaida #captain Mufrad#barister Imad"And so let see how zero will alwys feel better with zero creating der own world of comforts and the universe dat no longer feel alone.So dive in with me to the world of Sweet romance and awwwwwwns in search of rufaida's true zero..or would he be covered in her shades?..let's find out.…



324,954 21,540 92

Ita ta fara tsanan shi a duniya,ta kuma kashe wanda ta fara kaunar sa,me kake tunani nan gaba da Allah ya sake hada su a wata duniyar da bata da abun kauna face shi?#yasmin#Ashween#zahida rodriguez…