5,203 337 7

#18 poems #1 bilingual - French poems, English translations. Gorgeous music.On cherche et recherche un équilibre. Cela n'est pas introuvable. We look for balance in our relationships and in ourselves.Love is to be found and found. Its purpose is process.L'amour est plus qu'un état. C'est un processus.N'empêche que nous le trouvions sans l'attraper, sans le tenir en gourmandise. Comme tout ce qu'il y a de meilleur, l'amour c'est à nourir, et à respecter, mais surtout, à respecter, et à en dire merci. On 'garde' l'amour, sans le 'garder.' Ainsi, l'amour nous trouve.Voilà quelques mots de réflexion à la recherche d'un équilibre dans la vie profonde.Thank you so much for taking the time to read these poems, and to vote and share your comments.Je vous remercie infiniment pour le temps que vous donnez et les commentaires que vous ayez la gentillesse de me laisser ici. En tant qu'auteur on en a bien besoin, pour nous encourager et guider:)French poems, English translations, media. Thanks to your reading and responses this little volume reached #18 Poetry #1 Bilingual #1 BilingueMerci beaucoup.…



4,079 779 27

Short poems and a wandering mind. Life and love in the twinkle of a bird's eye. "Evening light fits the cove rock, a mouthful of gold. Cormorant bathes in amber, deeply still..."#29 non-fiction, #38 poetry. #5 haiku! These are in lots of different styles, free verse, rhymes, sonnet and other forms. Thank you for all your reads, votes and comments. You bring it alive!Thank you for visiting. Call again:) Rose.words and many images copyright all rights reserved cora-2 / @ RosyCarmelina 2019 :)) cover image J J Harrison Creative Commons share alike 3.0 Wikipedia page : cuckoo…

THE GOOD OVEN *Wattpad Featured*     (aka 'Re Ply')

THE GOOD OVEN *Wattpad Featured* (aka 'Re Ply')

19,595 642 13

#6 Spiritual. Wattpad Featured.The battle for life and the winning of love, from World War 1 to the Millennium. A collection of (very) short real life stories and one or two poems. 'Waiting for Fred Astaire,' 'No Child of Mine,' and other memories were given to me by wonderful women and men who taught me everything that matters to me now. They told and retold, telling without saying, until I began to understand. The lesson never ends. I remember, and loving them, learn still.Thank you so much for reading. Your comments and thoughts are so welcome and such a great help. As I got older I simply thought these memories would die with me. I can't believe they are now being read in over 90 countries! It is really amazing. Thank you again :)))Keep in touch. Follow for more news and stories. I'll put the kettle on. Come back soon:)© @RosyCarmelina all rights reserved.I found the beautiful cover picture on the wiki creative commons page which feels just like the right mood for the love that cooks these stories.By Milanography - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=40692746…

mayhem !

mayhem !

988 137 18

Romance in France on the first of May, a challenge a day in shorts and flash fiction . It's all about what makes you write, what's fun about it, where ideas come from and take you . Follow the prompts and have a go. I was really surprised at what I discovered!…

Carmel Reflections

Carmel Reflections

2,820 370 40

Ever wonder what it's all about? I need to try and work it out. I'll just begin with the deer.This is about what and who and where strength comes from.…



179 25 2

* RUNNER UP * @ScienceFiction Contest 15 - The Old Magic of Yule - Oil stocks are almost out. Sea levels are rising further. Preparations for this Winter Solstice are more thorough than they have ever been before. Old ways and new conspire to preserve life on the island as winter darkness gives way to the sun rising at the feast of Yule in the year 2200 and the Mother of the Island works her magic. #SciFriday Contest 15 - a very short story.…



185 21 5

Contest entry for #sciifiholiday @ScienceFiction and helping to raise funds for fairness through the #UnlimitedPride project.#1 scifiholiday today because you've been kind enough to read!!! Thank you :))))Summary of Prompt:With the click of a key the report is sent on its way, the mission that dominated everything for the last five years accomplished, all slates cleared.Time for a holiday! Nothing as relaxing as a stroll down to the pub, that first drink, and the knowledge that four weeks without hard duty, demanding tasks and impossible schedules, lie ahead.But sometimes a holiday doesn't meet our expectations. And this time destiny plays a wicked hand.Vic gains her freedom only to have it almost snatched away by the plotting of a double agent in the war against the Fifth Quadrant.In the end, this is light on science, but Is more of an alternate universe .2002 heritage Harley Davidson Image Evb-wiki at English Wikipedia public domain…

SciFi  Shorts

SciFi Shorts

172 19 5

Short and very short stories in scifi / adventure / fantasy / mystery. Done for contests and challenges.Scifi women writer notes at the end.#8 scifriday thanks to brilliant readers! Thank you :))))…

I will always find you

I will always find you

112 15 4

Living in danger, separated from friends and family, how can a message of love get through? Will greed, fear, or forgetfulness cheat love? Or does love win all?Read on !Contest entry:Mystery/romance"I will always find you"1600 wordsever so slightly alternate universe....…