Just a place where I'll be putting my notes and little stories about my AU of the Wings of Fire world!(I do not own Wings of Fire, nor any of the canon characters or events. All of those rights belong to Tui T. Sutherland and her team.)…
In the sprawling supercontinent of Permea, twelve empires thrive, unaware of the danger lurking in the ground beneath their feet. As tensions rise, hostilities rearing their heads, the emperors being to search for answers. Friend, foe, lover, family. All of these relations must be tested, now more than ever. In the event of a catastrophe, will their alliances hold? Will they discover the traitors among them?Or will these kingdoms, their homes, be swallowed by the waters of anarchy before they can blink?----(I do not own any of the empires, emperors, or other ESMP related things. I have mostly rewritten the storyline, and included several of my own characters.)…
Warning: Contains graphic depictions of violenceAround a mountain far, far away from the Lake Territories, seven clans live rather peacefully together. Tundraclan, led by Brightstar, Mountainclan, led by Stonestar, Frozenclan, led by Needlestar, Pineclan, led by Rainstar, Stoneclan, led by Redstar, and Snowclan, led by Lakestar. The seven clans are at peace, but the memory of Snowclan's former dictator, Huntstar, is still fresh in everyone's memory. The leaders are on edge, worrying about what may come next as a threat to their clans. A young warrior of Snowclan, named Sunhawk, feels a storm brewing. Whatever threat looms in the shadow of Huntstar's tyrannical reign, it is bigger than anyone has ever faced. The biggest question is on her mind: Will this threat be the thing that destroys the Mountain Territories?…
It was bound to happen at some point....it's probably happened before but did I notice? Likely not!If you want me to write out tags and have tagged me before, let me know I guess…
(Cover art is mine)An Empires SMP fanfiction----'This has been a wonderful journey.' 'Is it gone yet, dad? Or is it still out there, coming for us?' 'I don't know Gem....something just doesn't feel right.' 'Something's happening. We're not safe here.' 'History is returning in full. And that's worrying.' 'Overgrown, what can I do? It seems as though the world is falling apart before my very eyes!' 'Shadow! He's here! He's coming for me! He destroyed my home and he's after me now!' 'Why is everyone so frantic? Am I missing something?' 'I don't know what's happening Lizzie! The ponds are running dry!' 'This is great! Just great! We'll hold it at the Church of the Blood Sheep. Is that okay?' 'This will be the best experiment yet! I know it!' 'You shall pay for the sins you have committed! Come at me, puny weaklings!' 'Exor shall be proud of me for what I've done! At least, I hope.... You shall be the pawns of his game.' ----The empires are peaceful. The skies are clear. Relationships blossom like flowers on a summer's day.But not for long.A corruption spreads like wildfire across the land of the empires, and no one is safe from it's grasp as it captures and destroys everything in it's path. Every so often, the shadow or silhouette of a horned man appears, frightening children and adults alike. What legends is it part of?Meanwhile, across the empires themselves, the sweet flower of affection raises her petals to the sky as sibling love, romance and parental adoration spreads around the lands.But will these affections harbour tyranny? Or will they halt fear and treachery in their paths?With this new turn of events, the emperors can't tell who to trust. Anyone could be a traitor: A close friend, sibling, lover- and everyone is on edge.Will they be able to find the turncoats among them?Or will everything they've worked for be lost to time?…
This story is based my character Rayn's point of view in Agmine- An Oc Heroes and Villains Highschool roleplay. That story isn't mine, it belongs to @A_Fanfic_Queen and I have asked her if I can do this. It will be told from Rayn's view and will not be updated consistently. Enjoy!!…
These are the tales that not many know of.These are the stories passed down by parent to child. These are the legends sent on through time.This is the beginning. The beginning of Empires.…