The Harmless ART BOOK

The Harmless ART BOOK

2,191 140 36

Hello everybody it's Vix (PNC) :)I'm going to post my drawings in this art book so check it out!Here are the contents:1)FANART CAN BE REQUESTED-fanart from me is stopped since 2018, but I'll do it if anyone request!2)My original drawings-random stuffs-portraits (of story characters or celebrities)-designs All requests (fanart or everything else) are welcome if you are interested:D!…

Magna Iter - The Adventure of a boy

Magna Iter - The Adventure of a boy

56 4 2

*Another Universe*The world is divided into 15 districts, and there are 106 countries in the whole wide world. One of the district, Great Daphiah, there a boy named Sage Abelardo Antinaneo lives in with his parent. He lived in a small country named Olvido, where is a place that seems no bonds with the countries or district out there.But something happened. How did it start? Well, Sage's brother, Antonio got into a really big trouble out there in the Great Daphiah Palace, and that had offended a royalty. As the punishment, the innocent people, Sage and his parent were also involved.That punishment, lead Sage to start a great journey, Magna Iter.…