A Melody of Words

A Melody of Words

124 9 4

Every poem has its unique flow. An intriguing tone that enters each and every heart. Such beauty and grace,in each and every syllable.…

A Maybe Too Modern World

A Maybe Too Modern World

35 3 2

We are living in a world full of technologies. More and more technologies are being invented every single day ( not literally ). We need technologies in our lives. We are dependent on it. Soon, the world is going to be flooded with technologies. Robots are going to do everything for you, from your dirty laundries to walking your dogs,.... While we are getting weaker and weaker because we are not getting enough exercise, robots are getting smarter and stronger and better. We create robots so that they could be faster, smarter than us. But the knowledge that we are their creators alone is not going to restrain them from getting what they want most: to create a new race of robots and take over the world. They will feel nothing as they slay us down, one by one. We gave them a brain but not a heart.HUMANITY IS DYING.ROBOTS WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.THE BETTER, SMARTER, STRONGER RACE WILL ALWAYS, THAT'S HOW SURVIVAL WORKS.THEY WANTED TO BE SEEM AS INVINCIBLE, BUT THEY ARE NOT.WE HAVE ONE THING THAT THEY DON'T HAVE, THEIR WEAKNESS. LOVE.WILL LOVE SAVE US ALL?…

The Journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy

The Journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy

1,975 77 12

" Great EVILS are out there..... and until that time, we MUST be prepared!"…



54 4 3

Anh Trang is an orphan. The Orphanage in Vietnam is horrible. She dreams to find herself free, the kind of free she saw on the magazine, running across a field, laughing. For all she knows, her parents left her on the street when she was 3 months old. Why? She has no idea. She believes that she was born to do greater things than this and that she deserves a better life. Dreams like that can never come true, can they?…