The Summoner of Nothingness: Organization 13 Summoner Male Reader x RWBY Harem

The Summoner of Nothingness: Organization 13 Summoner Male Reader x RWBY Harem

4,556 80 3

For many years Y,N L,N was a deadly and respected member of the Black Claw Organization; he performed numerous missions including assassination, interrogation, and torture against guilty targets that either impeded or stamped out equality between the Faunus and the Humans. No matter the mission, no matter who had to be targeted, no guilty soul could hide from Y,N's dangerous gaze. Thanks to Y,N's unique semblance, which could only be passed down from generation to generation via his bloodline, every mission was meet with brutal, unwavering success that earned him the nickname "The Black Coat of Death". However, everything changed after Y,N was sent onto....the mission. A mission that made him see the Black Claw, people he saw as friends and allies, not as courageous rebels fighting for a better tomorrow but extremist, misguided hearts clouded by thoughts of vengeance. Furthermore, it was a mission that went against Y,N's very code of never harming an innocent soul. Y,N officially left the organization after a tense conversation with Adam Taurus, one that almost resulted in a brutal, bloody battle between the two due to their differing sensibilities of what needed to be done in order to achieve equality. However, Y,N was not alone in this abandonment, as another defector, his girlfriend Blake Belladonna, fled alongside the now disillusioned Y,N to a place where they could escape the long shroud that the Black Claw casted, Beacon Academy. It would be incredibly dangerous, even with their semblances, but they had little choice; the duo of boyfriend and girlfriend now find themselves in a whirlwind of friends, enemies, faces new and old, and specifically in Y,N's case....lovers. Blake's already kinky with those smut books she reads so she wouldn't mind others wandering onto her "turf"...right? Let the outrageous adventure begin as these two hidden humans enter the domain of the Faunus!…

Adventure Retold! Another Saiyan Survivor!: Saiyan Male Reader x DB Harem

Adventure Retold! Another Saiyan Survivor!: Saiyan Male Reader x DB Harem

2,176 65 1

The mysterious destruction of Planet Vegeta, homeworld of the now nearly extinct Saiyan race, was a devastating event that sent shockwaves across those lucky few who survived. One of these lucky survivors that avoided annihilation at the hand of a meteor was a mid-class warrior named Y,N. The Saiyan made a living with fellow Saiyans Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz in destroying entire planets' populations and then selling the bare shell to the highest bidder. However, unlike his fellow warriors, Y,N adopted a steadfast principle that made most of his teammates sneer or snicker with disdain. Unlike the other three that would utilize dirty tactics if their backs were pushed against the wall, Y,N stood by his belief that being an honorable warrior made the victory sweeter. His "foolish notion" was a constant source of ridicule and revile among his peers, yet he never faltered in upholding this principle. Eventually, the four Saiyans came across a planet with higher defenses and weapons, which meant to make sure the pulverization of the population wouldn't drag on; it would require another Saiyan. It was only then that the weakest of the group, Raditz, remembered his younger brother Kakarot, who was sent away as a baby to destroy the population of a planet called "Earth." Despite some scornful remarks from Vegeta and rather harsh words from Nappa, both Raditz and Y,N were sent to collect Kakarot. Yet before leaving, the Saiyan Prince smugly told the two weakest members of the quartet that if they failed to procure Kakarot and returned empty-handed, they would perish by his hands. With the prince's threat hanging over their heads, the two Saiyan warriors entered their space-pods, set off towards Earth, and switched on their cyro-sleep, neither knowing of the adventure they were about to be taken on. What was supposed to be a simple, if not asinine, collection mission was going to perilously transform into an epic odyssey rife with danger, action, friendship, and romance.…

The Smasher of Mystery: Son of ????? Male Reader x Super Smash Bros Harem

The Smasher of Mystery: Son of ????? Male Reader x Super Smash Bros Harem

3,613 80 2

Y,N had always led a bizarre, isolated life. The only person that served as a guiding light within his life, mainly due to the young boy either ignoring, shunning, or passively repelling everyone else, was his adoptive mother. She was a kind and friendly soul and was completely devoted to her motherly responsibilities. Y,N's father was.....unknown. The boy had voiced this question several times, yet the answer always remained the same. He was simply found on the side of the road, curled in a blanket and left to die. Y,N's mom didn't know how long the little tyke had been there for, but when he opened his shiny silver eyes, her heart melted, and she brought him home. At first, she had naively assumed she was raising a normal boy, only for that theory to be shattered when around the age of six....he had begun to demonstrate superhuman abilities. It was these unexplainable events that ignited the fire of curiosity within the boy, the curiosity of finding his parents. Flashing forward a decade and a half later, Y,N, who had developed into a fine, strapping young man, was resolute on locating his mysterious parents and finding out why he was abandoned. This burning sense of determination would take Y,N and his female companion Jean across the ocean and to a brand-new land. A land filled with some of the most spectacular, wonderous, and frankly bizarre creatures and humans you could ever meet. All the while, a malevolent entity had enacted their goal of destroying everything, with a cabal of devilish villains ready to begin their individual assaults. Little did Y,N know that this adventure would be filled with harrowing danger, diabolical enemies, trusted allies, and romantic females. And all of it would begin on a floating stadium.…

Power Over Heaven: Heaven Ascension DIO Male Reader x Xenoverse Harem

Power Over Heaven: Heaven Ascension DIO Male Reader x Xenoverse Harem

3,304 62 2

During the final few moments of Planet Vegeta's existence, many negative emotions could be festering within the soon-to-be-deceased Saiyan population. Fear. Anger. Betrayal. All of these emotions reigned before the planet's life was snuffed out by the tyrannical emperor known as Frieza. Normally, the events of the planet's destruction would play out the same across all timelines. However, within this lone timeline two entities from the Demon Realm, Towa and Mira, had arrived to begin preparations for their goal of resurrecting the withering realm. To begin their plans, the duo needed the legendary Saiyan warrior, Bardock. Yet, not everything went according to their original plan. Once they arrived, Towa felt a bizarre presence radiating from the planet below, and went to investigate, despite Mira's protests. Flying down to the planet's surface Towa located a village, with the power surge coming from one of the houses. Curiosity getting the better of her, the demon crept into the house and found a Saiyan baby slumbering. The boy was no older than a year old and was dozing off like the end of his life and his home planet wasn't nigh. However, when Towa took a few steps further to truly see if this mere baby was giving off the weird power signature, she let out a yelp. Looking down, she saw a weird creature, clearly humanoid, with golden looking armor and some green hearts highlighted across its body. The creature held onto her leg and almost snapped her bones in the process. Towa managed to get the pain-inducing creature off her leg via magic and sent the creature flailing into a wall, causing the baby to let out a screech of horror before it began to whine. Placing two and two together, an evil smile emerged on Towa's face as she lifted the baby from his crib and rejoined Mira. This singular decision would change the outcome of the upcoming battle between Time Patrollers and Time Breakers. This is the story of Y,N, the Saiyan who achieved a state over heaven.…

Divine Intervention: Younger Brother of Natsu Male Reader x Fairy Tail Harem

Divine Intervention: Younger Brother of Natsu Male Reader x Fairy Tail Harem

1,686 60 1

Despite what strangers claimed, Y,N didn't care that he had four "moms'" who were supposedly goddesses in physical form. He was given a comfortable life under their careful watch, and all four loved teaching and training him. They taught him everything from reading to writing to basic manners to magic! The boy didn't exactly know the specifics beyond "how" or "why" he was adopted, but he was too content in his current life to question what had possibly come before. Underneath the goddesses' watchful eyes(and sometimes strict teaching style), Y,N could comprehend, learn and, finally, master powerful and potent magic that would make most mages quake in their boots. This magic was called God Slayer Magic, and each of the four goddesses trained him under one elemental style: Light, Water, Lightning, and Fire. The training was often grueling, and the injuries, bruises, and bleeding were painful, yet Y,N managed to strive. However, these good times wouldn't last forever. After one night, in which the four goddesses were extra kind and thoughtful to Y,N for reasons unknown, the 13-year-old awoke to naught but an empty house and a clay figure on his nightstand. Feelings of confusion and panic washed over the teen as the goddesses seemingly disappeared into the night without so much as a goodbye. Yet, before he could break down into tears of worry, he would feel a comforting hand be placed on his shoulder. Turns out the clay figure was the final gift from the goddesses', it was a guardian sculpted from clay and given life, and her name was Pyrrha. Slowly coming to grips with this newfound reality Y,N and Pyrrha departed and set themselves on a grand adventure to track down the missing goddesses'. Neither knew the crazy quest they had embarked on. It's time for an adventure filled with friends, enemies, lovers, intense fights, and long-lost brothers.…

Stand Proud(Redux): Son of Jotaro Male Reader x RWBY Harem

Stand Proud(Redux): Son of Jotaro Male Reader x RWBY Harem

1,593 38 2

30 years ago, Jotaro Kujo had endured a bizarre trip to save his mother's life; this trek across half of the globe was filled with various people attempting to kill him and his group, the Stardust Crusaders, with physical manifestations of their soul, dubbed Stand's. Stand's were a complete mystery throughout the scientific world, but many believed they were the next evolution of the average semblance. However, with the power of their wit and their own Stand's, the Crusaders managed to best all of these assassins, loyalists, and lunatic's that the vile vampire, known as DIO, had sent their way. Through many trials and tribulations, Jotaro ultimately vanquished DIO, ending the demented villain's chances of attaining Heaven once and for all....or so he thought. Flashing forward 30 years forward, Y,N Cujoh, and his sister, Jolyne Cujoh, have recently enrolled in the prestigious Beacon Academy. Neither of their lives could be considered "normal" by any standard. Not only did both of them gain Stand's when they were young, after Y,N had gotten accidentally pierced by the arrow and his shared psychic link with Jolyne awakened her's, but both children rarely got to see their stoic father. This might have been understandable to an outsider, but their father disappeared for months, if not years on end, and only appeared for a few days, a week max, before departing again. Due to their young age, neither could quite comprehend why their father continually departed without so much as a goodbye....not until they would forcibly be dragged into the picture. The events of 30 years ago have returned in full force, and destiny has beckoned both Cujoh siblings to finish the mission their father, Jotaro, started. Not only will they face off against Grimm, but enemy Stand Users, Vampire's, and more as the plan to achieve everlasting Heaven has begun ticking. Not to mention Y,N has to deal with plenty of girls growing romantic feelings for him. Yare Yare Daze.…

Crazy Noisy Bizarre Guild: Summoner Male Reader x Fairy Tail Harem

Crazy Noisy Bizarre Guild: Summoner Male Reader x Fairy Tail Harem

2,303 55 3

Ever since Fiore's creation centuries ago the L,N family had served as its fiercest protectors. Unlike the standard soldiers or even mages and their guilds, the L,N family stood above them due to their mastery over a method of fighting that wildly diverged from any known or soon-to-be created magic. This was the power of Hamon. This seemingly unbeatable power made the L,N family feared, respected, or both across the entire kingdom. However, their ultimate loyalty laid with no singular person or entity, rather they were impassioned warriors, mages, and scholars that wished to keep peace flowing. Yet, one member of the family always stood above the rest, the summoner. The summoner A.K.A. the chosen one was a member of the L,N family that was randomly selected every generation by fate to bear the burden of peacekeeping. In order to keep the kingdom of Fiore from slipping into chaos, anarchy, and ruin, the summoner, as per their title, had access to powerful summons that were unlike any others. Not only were these summons unique to the L,N bloodline, but they possessed powers and abilities that other summons, and even most mages didn't have. Alas, good times stop eventually and the security of Fiore was thrown into worry when the L,N family was attacked and eradicated. The attackers, a dark guild by the name of Heaven's Arrow, had snuck into their compound during the dead of night and slaughtered the entire bloodline.... or so they thought. One member, one solitary member, a boy and the next chosen one as decreed by both fate and his father, Y,N L,N managed to survive due to his father laying down his life to protect him. As Y,N ran away from the raging inferno that had engulfed his childhood home, he clutched in hand a note from his father. A note, attached to a map, that would led Y,N to a place far in the mountains, where an old friend would teach him. This begins the tale of Y,N L,N, the powerful summoner, Hamon warrior, and wielder of Earth Dragon Slayer Magic.…

Kryptonian Kaiju: SpaceGodzilla Male Reader x DCAU Harem

Kryptonian Kaiju: SpaceGodzilla Male Reader x DCAU Harem

3,586 87 2

For years, Lex Luthor could never accomplish his singular goal, one he spent years attempting to overcome and eliminate, that goal being the demise of Superman. The repeated cycle of failure and humiliation at the hands of the Man of Steel pushed Luthor to push the boundaries of technology and science, which resulted in creations like Bizarro, the failed genetic clone of Superman. After that miserable blunder, Lex once more decided to test his hand at genetic tinkering, in order to create the perfect killing weapon that would end Superman's life once and for all! Thankfully at the same time, a Lexcorp funded team of Archaeologists stumbled across the skeletal remains of a gigantic, larger-than-life monster deep in the heart of China. Immediately hearing this news, Lex was able to procure one of the bones from this group and his vile mind whirled with ideas when he laid his eyes upon it. The demented genius ultimately decided to retool the failed Bizarro project and gave it the new name of "Project: Godkiller". He would mix together DNA from both Superman and this beast to create something godly, something that would rid the world of Superman for good. Several years later the project was complete, and a victi------I mean willing and brave human volunteer would need to be injected. Previous trials run with animals were met with nothing, but horrific failure as said animals immediately erupted into milky white crystals after mere minutes after exposure. Either by fate or luck, a high-school group was coming for a school trip, and all the Lexcorp scientists needed to do was inject one of those kids with a healthy dosage of the "Godkiller Serum". None of those lab coots knew that the monster, nay the Kaiju they were about unleash upon the planet. This...."SpaceGodzilla" could be the planet's grand saviour....or its greatest disaster.…

Heart of a Kaiju: Kaiju Male Reader x Kingdom Hearts Harem

Heart of a Kaiju: Kaiju Male Reader x Kingdom Hearts Harem

3,515 77 3

Y,N didn't remember much about his life before washing up on the sandy shores of Destiny Island, but out of all the potential places he could have ended up....he was jubilant that he ended up here. The only remnants of the past that he could remember vividly was a palace made out of shiny crystals, two distorted voices telling him to "run!", and some kind of roar that sounded akin to a chorus of bells. Everything else regarding his past was a painstaking blur. But the boy didn't mind, he had a trio of best friends, ate good food, and could lounge around and enjoy the sunrays for as long as he liked. Alas, this nostalgia of lounging around and doing nothing eventually withered away, leaving behind nothing but an ever-growing yearn for adventure and excitement. This appetite for adventure eventually spread to the rest of his friends: Sora, Riku, and Kairi, with the four friends having the brilliant idea of creating a raft to simply sail away and see what awaited them beyond the horizon. Yet, on the night before their departure from this "prison", a shroud of darkness overtook the island. Little imp-like creatures known as the Heartless laid waste to the island, and despite Y,N(now wielding a powerful blue beam that shout out of his mouth) and Sora(now wielding a bizarre blade/key combo)'s best efforts, the island fell into the cold, callous clutches of everlasting darkness. Y,N thought this was the end as he was plunged into the cold embrace of the darkness...yet, fate seemingly had other plans. Right as his eyes were fluttering close and the final vestiges of light escaped his view, he yelped in surprise as he landed against something cold...yet comforting. Looking around Y,N not only noticed the snowy terrain but a palace....a crystal palace. Y,N's adventure of not only exploring other worlds, but into who he really is has only just begun.…

A Storm is Brewing: Weather Report Male Reader x Akame Ga Kill Harem

A Storm is Brewing: Weather Report Male Reader x Akame Ga Kill Harem

2,369 61 2

Ever since the first emperor's reign, the capital has fostered a domain of corruption, greed, malice, and hatred. It remained hidden like a malevolent shadow that sneered at the sunlight during the early days. But over time, the corruption that was submerged within the dark alleys and dark shadows began to take a more proactive approach. The roots of greed, the fibers of malice, and the very essence of corruption were released from their nightlife shackles and wormed themselves into the very soul of the capital and its higher-ups. When this dark creature began to take hold of the capital and its people, that's precisely when the battle lines were drawn. The revolutionary army and people who wanted to fight against the abundant deceit that lay within the tainted hearts of those who were basked within its dark glow vs. the corrupted and tainted officials who behind closed doors endorsed and reveled within the society they were a part of, and the massive army they controlled. To help aid in their goal and take care of the...darker, bloody assignments, the rebellion had created an entire covert sub-division called Night Raid. Their mission was simple: handle intelligence and assassinations within the Empire's capital. The individuals who made up Night Raid were ruthless; they were dangerous and perfect assassinations. Yet, everything would change when they came across a man bleeding to death in a ditch. Feeling the abundance of power rolling off of him like waves, they decided to take him back to their base. Little did any of them know the wild adventure this amnesia-stricken stranger would take them on.…

The King Among the Dragons: King Crimson User Male Reader x DXD Harem

The King Among the Dragons: King Crimson User Male Reader x DXD Harem

1,654 41 1

When one thinks of a Sacred Gear, their mind immediately gravitates towards the legendary White and Red Dragon Emperor's, with their power making the mightiest of angels', devils, or fallen angels' quake in their boots. Alongside those two infamous and dangerous Sacred Gear's existed plenty of others, each with their own unique ability. Yet, there existed one that defied all others. This sacred gear was notable in that it passed between the three factions and humans on numerous occasions, always picking up new information and battle techniques as it went from user to user. This "sacred gear" was called King Crimson, and its set of abilities eclipsed every other sacred gear and was almost equal to the Great Red and White. Yet, due to its supreme power and potential danger, if it fell into the wrong hands, it was decided upon by all three factions that King Crimson be locked away within a dimensional gap. Not even its newly forged "Heartbeat" ability could break through its dimensional confine. And so, it remained, forgotten and chained within a prison between the living and the dead, trapped within purgatory, until one day, it found its next wielder, a lost and recently departed soul named Y,N Hyoudou. Seizing its opportunity, King Crimson presented himself to the poor soul, with King Crimson immediately electing the boy to be his next wielder. Soon after the bonding process was complete, an unresolved party revived the boy, and he continued his life as usual, just with a brand-new ally and guardian walking alongside him. Flash-forward several years, and the duo of Y,N, and King Crimson find themselves in Kuoh Academy, a formerly all-girls school that recently shifted into a co-ed one. Little does Y,N, or his sacred gear know that going to this school will present many challenges, dangerous battles, and surprises while gaining the affection of plenty of voluptuous females. Issei proclaimed he was gonna be the harem king? Well, he didn't get the memo for this story!…

The Spirit of Vengeance: Ghost Rider Male Reader x Arkhamverse Harem

The Spirit of Vengeance: Ghost Rider Male Reader x Arkhamverse Harem

3,257 69 1

Y,N "Johnny" Blaze's life was.....abnormal to say the least. While on the outside he seemed like a completely normal person, if a bit rough around the edges, yet on the inside he harbors a dark secret, he's the infamous Ghost Rider. Before becoming the punisher of the wicked he is today, Y,N never imagined he would become bonded to a demon and transform into a skeletal spirit of vengeance, nor could he ever imagine being the pawn of an almighty and extremely deceitful demon lord. Yet, that's exactly how the young man's life played out and now he serves as the judge, jury, and executioner to the damned and deliverer of punishment to all sinners that find themselves in his demonic headlights. For months Ghost Rider terrorized the criminal underworld of Gotham City, killing whichever unfortunate goon or lowlife that crossed his path, with the only remnants left in the Rider's wake being either a pile of ashes or a decaying husk. The Rider's actions were extremely well-known in both the criminal and police spaces, with most of the former actively fearing him, yet neither realm desired to talk about him beyond that of a hushed whisper or a fearful rumor. And during all of this Y,N was certainly thankful about one thing, during these missions of punishing the wicked he was able to bond with his "roommate" Zarathos, with both of them coming to a close, fierce friendship after they came to an understanding with one another. Y,N never thought his life would go beyond punishing low-level crooks and mobsters, but all of that would change on one cold, unsuspecting Christmas Eve. On the night where action and intrigue rang like church bells, Y,N decided to make the evening truly unforgettable when he targeted Garfield Lynns A.K.A. Firefly. Little did he know that by doing this, it would kickstart a chain of events that would forever change Y,N's life for the better.…

A Summoner Approaches: Smash Bros Summoner Male Reader x RWBY Harem

A Summoner Approaches: Smash Bros Summoner Male Reader x RWBY Harem

4,541 116 3

Y,N L,N was your average kid living in a quaint, peaceful village located within Vale. The boy desired nothing more than becoming a hunter like his parents before him, and to fulfill that goal he usually snuck out during nighttime to privately train himself...even if it ended in failure and bruises littering his body. Yet during one faithful night Y,N saw a pair of blood red eyes peering at him from the shadowy depths, and immediately ran back towards his village as the howls of a Beowolf filled the crisp night air. Bobbing and weaving through the trees in a desperate attempt to lose the creature, Y,N could feel the cold chill of fear run up his spine. Thankfully, Y,N was able to lose the creature due to his impressive agility and soon noticed a clearing with a massive hill, which provided him the opportunity to locate his village! However, once he reached the top of the hill, Y,N felt the ground beneath him giving way, with the boy screaming as he disappeared underground. Snapping his eyes open and looking around, Y,N saw that he landed into an altar, one that was barely being lit due to a combination of moonlight and dim torches. Carefully rising to his feet and walking forward with caution swimming in his eyes, Y,N glanced upon a book gently resting on the podium. The book itself seemed ordinary, yet once he opened it and hesitantly wrote his name down, the book glowed, and the boy disappeared could even let a scream or even an "eep!". Y,N found himself in the home of the Smasher's, legendary summons that only a few hunters/huntresses were able to wield and fight alongside. After meeting his summons and being offered the chance to train under them for several years, an experienced and semblance-unlocked Y,N embarks on his journey to Beacon. His goals are simple: become a proud hunter like his parents were and bring recognition to his friends...while also attracting plenty of female's hearts during his journey!…

Beware My Power: Green Lantern Male Reader X Young Justice Harem

Beware My Power: Green Lantern Male Reader X Young Justice Harem

2,954 55 1

The Team. A group comprised of young superheroes that went on covert missions across the globe and battled dangerous and deadly foes on the regular. Despite their young age they've battled against powerful metahumans, stealthy assassins, destructive androids, otherworldly aliens, literal gods, and more across multiple different iterations. What originally was a trio of sidekicks wanting to prove they were more than that, soon transformed into a close-knit family. Yet, what if one more former sidekick joined their ranks right from the beginning? Enter Emerald Omen A.K.A. Y,N L,N, the apprentice of Hal Jordan and a steadfast member of the Green Lantern Corps. A boy whose past is shrouded in mystery to all but a select few yet has constantly proven himself as a dedicated and determined hero while underneath Hal's tutelage. During that faithful trip to the Hall of Justice alongside his fellow sidekicks for their graduation, Y,N never could anticipate the wild and dangerous adventure's he would get into, the friends he would make, the lovers he would get, or the stress he would be placed under as he received that "glorified backstage pass" as Speedy so elegantly by described. What was an ordinary day filled with nothing but disappointment and angst, would soon transform into the launchpad for something truly spectacular. Nobody could have ever imagined that a singular unauthorized mission to Cadmus would permanently change the trajectory of the superhero world, with a brand-new group being formed due a strong, unwavering desire to work together more. How will events change with the addition of a Green Lantern? What will happen once Y,N's mysterious past is brought to light? How will Y,N deal with so much female attention when he's easily flustered by beautiful female's giving him the time of day? Those questions may be unanswered for now, but one thing is for certain. All enemies of The Team shall beware Y,N's power, the Emerald Omen's light!…

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust: Older Brother of Riser Male Reader x DXD Harem

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust: Older Brother of Riser Male Reader x DXD Harem

3,957 109 2

Disgraced. Cast out. Forgotten. Replaced. Usurped. Those were the emotions Y,N Phenex, second eldest child of the Phenex family, felt as he descended down the steps leading away from his home, with only his two best friend's/maid's accompanying him into the unknown. How this happened, you may ask? Well, it all happened because Y,N had his life snatched from him by his manipulating weasel of a younger brother, Riser Phenex. The charming bastard slowly moved himself into what was once Y,N's position as heir of the Phenex family. What was originally going to be Y,N's future responsibility, a sacred duty he would uphold and honor, a role that he already had several plans to help bolster and/or strength the Phenex all crumbled to the wayside. Everything had been taken away from him due to a mere decree of his parents...simply because Riser had demanded. The second eldest had been tossed aside like a used napkin, simply because his younger brother played the game of manipulation like a true champion. Y,N didn't need any more justification after that incident and exiled himself from his own family, as his greatest fear was coming to pass. Riser would surely lead the Phenex family into ruin with his simple-minded desires for the feminine form, and Y,N wasn't going to be around to witness the downfall firsthand. Traveling the globe for the next few centuries, Y,N had witnessed true wonders befall his vision. And during that time, the second eldest Phenex had kept himself busy in the form of training. He trained his ass off, day and night, simply to challenge his younger brother...all for the sake of regaining what was rightfully his. Now in the present day, Y,N has found himself in Kouh Town....and the first stages of his plan have set themselves into motion.…

I'll Always Come Back: Springtrap Male Reader x High School DXD Harem

I'll Always Come Back: Springtrap Male Reader x High School DXD Harem

6,022 139 3

Pain. Agonizing, unforgiving, torturous pain. That's the only thing William Afton felt as his robotic corpse was destroyed by the blazing inferno caused by his own son, which was followed by his soul being swallowed down into the deepest, darkest pits of hell. After that transpired, Afton didn't know for how long he was trapped down in the miserable pits of hell. It could have been days, it could have been months, it could have even been years, it could have even been decades! And to add further insult to injury, during his "luxurious" stay, Afton was plagued by demonic recreations of his own failures, his own animatronics, and his vile deeds. And every, single time he died from one of his monstrous creations coming back to haunt him, he simply was revived by some malevolent being, and his torture continued where it left off. Afton only had a singular acquaintance, nay a confidant that he could confide his inner most thoughts and personal story too, a female resident of the underworld named Vanny. It took time and a lot of effort, but Afton's ulterior motives finally took shape and Vanny was corrupted by the murderer's twisted words, and much like the kids from long along, Vanny was led astray and became Afton's crucial key towards escaping his hellish torment. The plan was expertly crafted, it made Afton chuckle with dark intent as Vanny informed him of a sure-fire way of escaping. While it did require Afton being turned into a "sacred gear" and therefore lose his physical body, he gleefully accepted this as he could simply take over another body and begin anew. Escaping was painfully easy as no one dare questioned a noble's daughter like Vanny, and like that Afton was freed from the fiery clutches of Hell. Now came the touch decision, who to take over and begin anew? Afton cackled sinisterly to himself as he knew the perfect victim, he had heard his damnable son talk about them before he was taken to the great salvation beyond. Y,N Afton......…

We Are Venom: Venom/Spartan-II Male Reader x RvB Harem x Crossover Harem

We Are Venom: Venom/Spartan-II Male Reader x RvB Harem x Crossover Harem

2,864 97 2

Force Master Chief Petty Officer Y,N-616 never expected his life to end up the way it was currently playing out. At first had he been transferred to the recently formed Noble Team in order to give the fresh team a good step in the right direction, much to the disheartening of his former Blue Team friends, of which he shared many great memories and war stories with. Secondly, he had been forcibly bonded with a creepy black goop alien known as Project: Venom, which he and his teammate Kat-B320 had first encountered within a cylindrical tube during one of his team's final unknowingly missions, with the bonding happening after a fierce and unexpected shootout with a bunch of enemy tangos that flooded the laboratory. From there Noble Team's mission on Planet Reach continued as normal as Y,N assured he was physically and mentally fine, yet during the final stretches to their evac, an enemy ship flew by them and attempted to kill Kat with a needle rifle. However, right before the bullet could collide with Kat's skull Y,N's newfound alien friend emerged and with pure instinct, Y,N shot a web out towards Kat and pulled her close to him with the blast missing her by only a few inches. Then third and finally, once Noble Team was rescued by the UNSC, Y,N and Kat were immediately transferred over to the mysterious Project Freelancer as not only did the superiors of UNSC hear about Y,N's alien hitchhiker in a field report, but also because the Project needed seasoned war veterans to act as consultants for the Agent's they were training. Little did anyone know; this one event would only spark many future events that no one could have predicted to happen due to how outlandish they'd be, at least they'll make for a crazy story to tell.…

Warriors From The Stars: Jedi Male Reader x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Harem

Warriors From The Stars: Jedi Male Reader x JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Harem

2,980 50 2

Padawan's lost! During a special transit of a Jedi Holocron from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to a Jedi training academy on the planet of Dantoonine, Jedi Padawan's Ahsoka Tano and Y,N L,N alongside their Republic transports were intercepted by a fleet of Separatist Dreadnaughts, led by the villainous General Grievous. Despite fighting to the best of their abilities, the Padawan's were commanded to jump into Hyperspace as the protection and delivery of the Jedi Holocron was more important than destroying these dreadnaughts or battling Grievous himself. Even though Ahsoka voiced her annoyance at being forced to run away, the more calm and pragmatic Y,N was able to quell her frustrations. However, right as the two were about to jump into Hyperspace, a dreadnaught gunner was able to get a shot off on their Hyperdrive, sending them careening not towards their intended destination of Dantooine, but rather deep, deep into the unknown and mysterious reaches of Wild Space. Now with their ship's engine fried, their communications damaged, and armed only with their wits, lightsabers, a Jedi Holocron, and Force training both Ahsoka and Y,N will be taken on a bizarre adventure neither expected to go on. An adventure filled with Hamon users, Pillar people, Stand's, Vampires, Serial Killers, Italian Mobs, Religious Zealot's, Romance, and more.…

By the Pale Moonlight: Sabrewulf Male Reader x Hellsing Ultimate Harem

By the Pale Moonlight: Sabrewulf Male Reader x Hellsing Ultimate Harem

1,372 35 1

Living deep within the mysterious Mondlicht Forest located in Britain is a vicious, relentless, and bloodthirsty beast known as Sabrewulf. The legends say that if anyone wanders to close to his territory or the old ruins of Castle Blutzahn, they'll meet a grizzly demise at the hands of an ungodly beast that can track you down no matter where you attempt to hide and leaves its victims a bloody mess. Yet, it wasn't always like this, no in fact Castle Blutzahn used to be a place filled with life and laughter, not the desolate shadow of its former self where only silence and eeriness remains intact. Hundreds of years ago, Y,N Von Sabrewulf inherited his family's wealth and their castle after they both fell victim to an assassination by a rival baron, with little Y,N having been raised by his uncle for most of his life, he didn't know who his parents were or what they did. Which meant when fancily dressed men arrived to inform Y,N of his inheritance, the boy was distraught over hearing such a miserable tragedy being told to him for the first time, yet took the inheritance instead of letting his birthright slip into the baron's hands or any other greedy swine's hands. But, this newfound life of lavish wealth and high-end living would come crashing down almost immediately as when Y,N discovered a hidden section of the castle, he had the unfortunate chance of scratching his arm against the sharp claws of a werewolf after being frightened by a bat. From there on, Y,N would become a disgusting, snarling beast every time the light of the full moon reached his castle. Yet, Y,N's life will be even further flipped upon its head when an old flame re-enter's his life and recruits him into the supernatural organization known as Hellsing after helping her deal with some vampires who had trespassed onto his domain.…

The Power of Will: Green Lantern Male Reader x EMH Harem x X-Men Evolution Harem

The Power of Will: Green Lantern Male Reader x EMH Harem x X-Men Evolution Harem

2,121 34 1

Y,N Barton, older brother of Clint Barton, was renowned and respected S.H.I.E.L.D Agent that was well known by his peers due to his perfect marksmanship, lack of fear, determined nature, and his constant need to push the envelope. Alongside his partner Natasha Romanoff, she and Y,N always took the most dangerous and life-threatening missions due to Y,N's desire to keep pushing his limits and showing he didn't show fear in the face of danger. However, during one particular solo mission to the frozen tundra's of Alaska, Y,N found a crashlanded alien vessel and from the vessel, he saw a humanoid figure stumble out of the vessel, before attempting to walk yet it let out a hiss of pain and slumped against the cold metal. Y,N inched closer to the bizarre humanoid creature with his gun pointed at it, taking note of the black and green spandex it was wearing, and especially the weird symbol emblazoned on its chest area. The alien then spotted him and asked for his assistance since his leg had broken clean in half from the impact and bounty hunters would be arriving any second. Said hunters then arrived, which Y,N dispatched, however the alien didn't survive its injuries due to blood loss, and within its final moments it slipped the ring off its finger and looked at Y,N, before passing. Then the ring floated from the dead alien's palm and declared in a monotone voice "Y,N Barton, you have the ability to overcome great fear. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps." Y,N was blasted off to Oa and for two years he was taught how to properly use his ring in combat and learned what the Green Lantern Corps was, how it operated, and what it stood for. After, two years he finally returned back to his planet, and it couldn't have been at a better time as 74 villains have escaped and the world needs a superhero team to not only capture these villains, but to help protect it from future threat. Now Y,N joins the Avengers not as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, but as a Green Lantern.…