Tevun-Krus #53 - Return to First Contact

Tevun-Krus #53 - Return to First Contact

1,336 232 20

TK returns to the scene of the original crime with TK53: Return to First Contact!…

Tevun-Krus #52 - International Edition 2

Tevun-Krus #52 - International Edition 2

3,195 422 52

Tevun-Krus International Edition 2Last year's edition was so successful we decided to do it again and man, it's epic!Featuring stories told in a whole lotta' languages, plus one or two of TK's regular features, there's probably something in here for everyone!…

TK Special #5 - AngusEcrivain... Breaking the Universe

TK Special #5 - AngusEcrivain... Breaking the Universe

302 62 11

TK Special #5...That's right, he's back with his 3rd such thing. 10 more stories from the man himself, AngusEcrivain!…

Tevun-Krus #51 - A Very Post-Apocalyptic Christmas

Tevun-Krus #51 - A Very Post-Apocalyptic Christmas

737 169 16

Tevun-Krus delivers its fifty-first issue with this latest Christmas special!…

Tevun-Krus #50

Tevun-Krus #50

2,659 645 49

That's right. The big five-oh. The 50th issue of Tevun-Krus. No subtitle. No need for explanations.Dive on in and see what greatness is made of.…

Tevun-Krus #49 - Best of 2K17

Tevun-Krus #49 - Best of 2K17

2,838 414 30

Well, we here at Tevun-Krus have been doin' this sort of thing since 2014. What is "this sort of thing"? Best-Of issues, of course! And 2K17 is no different-- That's a lie! Best of 2K17 is different, in that this time we wanted* to bring you 38 brand-new stories, one from every major sci-fi sub-genre we've tackled! It's the biggest TK Best-Of yet, and it's one for the ages, 'troopers! Ooorah!*may or may not contain 38 stories…

Tevun-Krus #48 - StonePunk

Tevun-Krus #48 - StonePunk

1,349 325 25

48, huh? Wow. This time, we tackle the little-known sub-genre called StonePunk!…

Tevun-Krus #47 - Galactic Empire

Tevun-Krus #47 - Galactic Empire

1,869 283 26

The forty-seventh issue of Tevun-Krus is dedicated to Galactic Empire! You will join us or die...…

Tevun-Krus #46 - The Same Effing Story

Tevun-Krus #46 - The Same Effing Story

867 172 25

It all begins with Van Halen's 'Hot for Teacher...' What happens next is anyone's guess!…

Tevun-Krus #45 - SportPunk

Tevun-Krus #45 - SportPunk

1,391 289 25

Go big or go home! In the 45th issue (crazy as all hell, right?!) #TeamOoorah combine science fiction with sport! Find the results herein!…

Tevun-Krus #44 - Sword & Planet

Tevun-Krus #44 - Sword & Planet

1,494 272 18

Swords, planets and stuff... Fantasy definitely meets Sci-Fi when the TK crew take on this epic sub-genre!…

Tevun-Krus #43 - ClockPunk

Tevun-Krus #43 - ClockPunk

1,243 292 17

The TK Crew take on ClockPunk this month. Come on in and check out a multitude of short stories, regular features and the return of an old favourite!…

Tevun-Krus #42 - Oh, and ANOTHER Thing...

Tevun-Krus #42 - Oh, and ANOTHER Thing...

957 224 13

It's TK42. What else did you think we'd do with this one?!…

Tevun-Krus #41 - Alien Invasion

Tevun-Krus #41 - Alien Invasion

2,730 297 24

*whispers* They're here...…

Tevun-Krus #40 - GreenPunk

Tevun-Krus #40 - GreenPunk

1,668 361 23

Can you believe we've made it to 40 issues? Pretty damn cool, right?!…

Tevun-Krus #39 - Lost World

Tevun-Krus #39 - Lost World

1,629 322 25

Do you dream of ancient civilisations and long-forgotten cultures? Of lost worlds where beasts born of fact and fiction reside? Let the Tevun-Krus crew take you by the proverbial hand and lead you through our lost worlds...…

Tevun-Krus #38 - International Edition

Tevun-Krus #38 - International Edition

1,933 373 38

Tevun-Krus has gone all international on your ass! For this issue we've got authors telling stories in their own language, or translating the English stories of TK regulars into their own tongue. In this first of what we sincerely hope will become a regular annual TK Special we've got French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German and Swiss German covered so tell your friends, 'troopers! This is gonna' be awesome! *** Tevun Krus est international, et ça va être votre fête ! Pour ce numéro, nous vous présentons des auteurs racontant leurs histoires dans leur propre langue, ou traduisant des histoires d'habitués de TK de l'anglais dans leur langue maternelle. Dans ce premier TK Spécial qui, nous l'espérons sincèrement, deviendra une occurrence régulière et annuelle, nous couvrons une multitude de langages. Alors, dites-le à vos amis, Soldats ! Ça va être d'enfer ! *** Пока вы тут сидите и ничего не знаете, Tevun-Krus стал интернациональным! В этом выпуске авторы рассказывают истории на своем родном языке или переводят с английского рассказы постоянных авторов TK. В этом первом спецвыпуске TK (надеемся, он станет ежегодным) у нас целая куча разных языков, так что зовите друзей, штурмовики! Это будет здорово! *** Tevun Krus heizt die internationale Hölle ein! In dieser Ausgabe erzählen Autoren Geschichten in ihrer Muttersprache oder übersetzen englische Geschichten von TK-Stammautoren in ihre eigene Sprache. Diese erste Sonderausgabe, von der wir natürlich hoffen, dass sie zu einem jährlichen Ereigni…

TK Special #4 - elveloy... Evolutionary Anomalies

TK Special #4 - elveloy... Evolutionary Anomalies

412 109 11

And in other, most awesome and excellent news, Ooorah brings you TK Special #4 - elveloy... Evolutionary Anomalies... That's right, another of TK's most prolific contributors, @elveloy has selected her favourite ten submissions to everyone's favourite #longestrunningwattzine and we've assembled them here so what're you lot waiting for? Get yer asses to reading!…

Tevun-Krus #37 - NanoPunk

Tevun-Krus #37 - NanoPunk

1,508 301 23

#TeamOoorah and the rest of the Tevun-Krus crew return with the first issue of 2K17. It's NanoPunk, and it's badass.…

TK Special #3 - AngusEcrivain... Straight Outta The Shitter

TK Special #3 - AngusEcrivain... Straight Outta The Shitter

457 99 11

That's right, he's back. One of #TeamOoorah 's founding members has returned with another special collection of ten more Sci-Fi tales with which he intends to tickle and tantalise your temporal lobes, or something...…