I picked up the lump that was on my bedside and hurled it at him, but he swiftly dogded it with an amused look." Come on" he started saying " I didn't take you for a fool until you started falling for my lies."Those words hit me like a brick rendering me speechless for, but a moment." I didn't take you as one too because I must be a damn good pretender for you to think I fell for them." I lied straight through my teeth even if his words were breaking me.I loved and trusted him enough to pop my cherry. Motherfucker sure knows how to fool a girl.So I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me weak.So I held my head up high and smirked at him even if it was killing me _.......********************************************************************.Don't trust or let anyone in that's the Mantra Hailey has been living by until Shawn Demo comes crushing into her life making her open up and trust.Not knowing it was a big mistake until he damages her beyond reach but maybe just maybe she will find happiness.Will Hailey move on after that intensity of hurt and disaster?Or find him ,the one.…