

552 98 31

Allerlei Sachen…

World Traveller

World Traveller

1,376 70 20

This is the story of a girl named Chlara, who is still trying to get used her ability to go to different worlds. The worlds we have all grown to love, like TV shows, movies and books. But no one knows why or how the so called 'World Travellers' are selected.As the book progresses, there will be new worlds, enemies and friends.Cover by the great cover maker @-nightskys-I made rank 3 once in Knight Rider, I thought it was cool. If it's worth reading though is determined by you, the reader.Edit: I'm sorry, somehow I even managed to get on the second place in Knight Rider!Forget it. #1 it is. How?…

Random Stories

Random Stories

139 22 2

These are stories, that just so happened to come to my mind. They will be on German and English. Suggestions are welcome!Dies sind zufällig entstandene Geschichten, die mir einfach eingefallen sind. Sie werden auf Deutsch und Englisch geschrieben sein. Vorschläge sind stets willkommen!…

Information about the characters

Information about the characters

120 4 3

Here you will find more information about the characters of the books…

Meine Teilnahmebilder Zu Zeichenwettbewerben


32 4 1
