The Navigator
WINNER!! FIRST PLACE WATTPAD 2018 VALENTINE'S DAY CONTEST!! (English category)"I'm a navigator. Or I should say Navigator, capital N. Yeah, you read that right. I'm a cyborg. Before you turn away from me in disgust, know this: I was born 26 years ago just as human as you are. No metal and plastic exoskeleton fused onto my skin and organs, no neural netting injected into my brain. Just a bawling mass of baby. Except, unlike you, I was more mass, less baby. Thanks to a combination of bad genes and environmental contamination in utero, I barely resembled anything human, baby or otherwise. Aside from my brain and my heart, both of which developed normally, the rest of me that did manage to form was ready to go kaput within minutes of being sliced from my mother's womb."…