Saviors || Green Day

Saviors || Green Day

22 4 2

A dream has never been so hated, only if it's the American dream. But what happens when, in a world that is dying in front of us, there is someone who tries to stay sane? One of them was Tyler, whose life had turned into an existence, and the world around him seemed to be going blindly crazy. He didn't know how long it would last or if he could stand it, until she came into his life, able to survive the chaos and perhaps fill his heart with hope that all was not lost...~~~~~~Fanfic based off the music album "Saviors" by Green Day~~~~~~WARNING: contains strong language, smut, shooting, and suicidal thoughts…

Pygmalion irony

Pygmalion irony

80 13 8

With the atmosphere at school as pleasant as ever in late spring, Julia wanted to do everything she could to make her last year of school unforgettable. Who could have predicted that at one point her heart would start beating faster than usual because of... A portrait?Well, this is definitely a year she's unlikely to forget...(Translated from Ukrainian by author)…

10 stories of Jack Brown

10 stories of Jack Brown

6 0 3

This is one of those stories that I wrote on my old laptop (its photo is on the cover) when I was 8 years oldI'm not sure it's a work I'll be proud of, but it's definitely one I'll be cringing fromBelow you can read the description that I wrote seven years ago when I was writing this "fiction detective story"My story is about a man who tried to get out of any difficult situation and achieve justice by all means, about a detective, and, as you know, "justice will lighten the darkness"WARNING: there may be a lot of platitudes and historical inconsistencies here, but accept the fact that I was only in the third grade at the time…

...before the snow melts

...before the snow melts

4 1 3

You need to be able to enjoy your time, especially in moments that are rare. Like when it snows for the first time in a long time during the holidays. The main thing is to remember who to spend this unforgettable time with.Dedicated to my friend Vlad K., our meeting inspired this story…

Пігмаліонова іронія

Пігмаліонова іронія

54 13 8

У приємній, як ніколи, атмосфері у школі пізньої весни, Юля хотіла зробити все можливе, аби останній навчальний рік став незабутнім. Хто б міг передбачити, що в один момент її серце почне битися сильніше звичайного через... Портрет?Що ж, цей рік вона однозначно навряд чи зможе забути...{also available in English}Присвячується моєму 9-Б, без вас не було б цієї історії)Не зачаровуйся щоб не розчаровуватися…

...поки не розтанув сніг

...поки не розтанув сніг

0 0 1

Необхідно вміти насолоджуватись часом, особливо у моменти, що випадають рідко. Як-от коли вперше за довгий час на канікулах випав сніг. Головне - памʼятати, з ким провести цей незабутній час.Присвячується моєму другові Владу К., наша зустріч надихнула мене на цю історію…