Let's Talk

Let's Talk

1,790 410 134

BEWARE:•of the anger you will be exposed to. Author's anger will seep through your screen like flipping radiation (which computers and phones and stuff do have radiation coming off of them, so... beware of that too).•of the raw randomness some of these digital pages contain (it's more raw that a dead lion's flesh - honestly).•of the seriousness that will turn your heart into a little ball of solemnity (why is solemnity a word and not seriousity?).•of the funny stupidity le author contains (HAY-). Hay is for horses. (AND COFFINS ARE FOR CORPSES-) You have been dismissed, Author. (eye'm knot goeen eniware, gleech) Neither is your dumbness... fortunately.•of le author's small le ego. Le author has le her le reasons. Le. (lel)•of the mature rating Author will have to put on this now.*If you couldn't tell, ze le author is le ze one writing le this zebra (huehuehue).*And she has thoroughly burned herself to ashes.*DANG IT.*Oh, yeah...•Beware of the swearing-free environment, suckers.•...and of my dramatic tendencies.•Don't forget my fascination with stabbing people 43 times, either. Of course, I've never actually DONE that.... I'm such a violent person, and yet I can't even kill myself a fly (literally. It's SO HARD). That, and I don't want to hurt anyone. <:3 (see? I'm not some random psycho-)*Welcome to "Let's Talk," where a 12-year-old is in total control (heck yeah, baby!).…

What They See

What They See

111 15 5

Her whole life, Sage Kercott saw her appearance as boring and plain. Now, at 16 years old, she meets a boy who (like everyone else) can see what she can't; her true appearance. Can he help Sage see what she can't, or will she always be "boring and plain"?(written to help girls see that they ARE pretty and beautiful, even when they think they aren't)…

Songs made from a Heart
Poems made from a Heart

Poems made from a Heart

158 41 9

These are touching poems (as said by my friends) that you'll either enjoy or understand. Or both. You'll also (maybe. possibly) dislike them. There are poems about friendship and love and life and depression. I own all of them too. :)…