With Hope and Without Hope
One decision made differently - as the Three Hunters chase after the orcs who have captured Merry and Pippin, they run through that second night rather than rest -- and everything changes. Well, not everything. They're merely captured by the orcs like Merry and Pippin. Not in the plan.One decision changed doesn't change one's destiny, however. How each of them is to reach the fate destiny has in store for them is a bit peskier, though...In this AU story, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are captured by the orcs trekking across Rohan and struggle to return to their task. There's action and adventure, suspense, not too much angst, and hopefully an enjoyable story for all. Feedback is welcome!This story won First Place in the MEFA Awards!Thanks as ever to the tireless beta, Thundera Tiger!…