The Greatest Woman- Maryam (AS)

The Greatest Woman- Maryam (AS)

633 128 4

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar RaheemMaryam (alayhi salaam) was the mother of Isa (alayhi salaam). She was great, not only because she was the mother of a prophet of Allah but because she perfected her faith.By Omar Suleiman at QuranWeekly[NOTE] The words doesn't belong to me. I'm posting this to share the knowledge I acquired. If you share, this will be a Sadqah-e-Jariah for you and me.With love,Modesty_lover…

Asiya (AS)- The Wife Of A Tyrant

Asiya (AS)- The Wife Of A Tyrant

392 73 4

Asiya (AS), the wife of Firoun, was no ordinary woman. Her strength and her status will forever remain unsurpassed.She was a woman who never allowed herself to be defined or limited by her painful circumstances, but rather carried in her such a deep faith and sense of self that she was willing to die for what she believed in.- Yasmin Mogahed.[Note]The words does not belongs to me. I'm only sharing the knowledge I acquired while studying the life history of Asiya (AS).- Modesty_lover…