

942 166 22

All the world's a stage. No one knows it better than New York's royalties, to whom every social outing is like a well rehearsed play. But there comes a time when the actors leave the stage and take of their costumes, that's when the scandal happens. The monarchy is nothing but a curtain of lies, backstabbing and betrayal. As in every good play, no matter how brilliant the actors were, at the end they have to remove their masks and it's time for the curtains to fall down. When that happens Miss Perfect, The Heir of The Throne, Prince Charming, and The Life Of The Party, won't be anything but masks. You can create any mask you want for yourself, so you can be whoever you want to be, but who'll you be when the curtains fall? You can hide your true nature behind a shiny mask, but can you hide from yourself? Author's note: If you haven't noticed in my story New York is not just the city-that-never-sleeps is the monarchy that never sleeps. The most influencial families still rule the city, but only they wear a crown on their heads. But if you think it's an ages-old monarchy you used to study about in History class, you are mistaken. It's a modern tale of kings, queens, princesses, princes, crowns, love, betrayal, scandal, all wrapped up in this Teen Fiction.…

10021 Cafe Society

10021 Cafe Society

1,051 99 30

The drama queen, the rebel, the lost one and the caged one, what do they have in common? Well, they are unbelievably attractive, filthy rich, share a life long friendship and are the creme de la creme of New York society. The same New York where big dreams are made of, the city that never sleeps, only mayors are replaced with kings and queens, socialites with princesses, handsome preps with princes and the city gets a royal makeover. Follow the lives of these four teen royalties as they experience friendship, heartbreak, love, scandal and discover dark family secrets. See where you stand on the social ladder! Cover by @MarianthiStathakopou #WritersProgress #Weareteenqueens…



33 0 2

Това е мой разказ написан в началото на 2016-та. Доста време го пазех за себе си, защото мислех, че е прекалено психарски. Половината разказ е писан на база личен опит, другата половина е въображението ми. В разказа става въпрос за момиче шизофреничка, което става шизофреничка след загуба на последния си близък човек. Не съм шизофреничка, но страдам от паническо разтройство, а когато писах разказа бях и в депресия точно зареди загуба на много близки за мен хора. Сега две години и няколко месеца по-късно реших да го публикувам и да добавя happy end. Последните няколко абзаца ги добавих днес. Напоследък започнах да надделявам над моите демони и реших, че историята ми трябва да има happy end. Още нещо, последните няколко абзаца ги написах набързо, не съм ги проверявала. А останалото не съм чела от както го написах. Имам си и нова корица от @VDyakowa…

Character Interviews

Character Interviews

846 91 20

Where my dear Beatrice Hastings from UnMasked, asks your characters questions. Interviews could be made on English or Bulgarian. Където, моята скъпа Беатрис Хейстингс от UnMasked задава въпроси на вашите герои. Интервюто може да бъде направено на български и на английски.…