Class Reunion (ONC 2025)

Class Reunion (ONC 2025)

3 1 1

Twenty years ago a group of friends graduated from a North German high school. In their school time they were aspiring movie makers, though with little success. But one project was never finished. Michael Claußen, or "Miggs" as his friends used to call him, has the ambitious idea to finish the movie project right before the 20th anniversary reunion. So he puts his old gang back together and starts working on the script. As the chaotic movie shoot collides with the everyday lives of the now grown-up former high school students, all sorts of hilarious absurdities are about to come down upon them...…

Legend of the Black Dragon

Legend of the Black Dragon

253 13 19

Rhojeka is a bard turned sorceress, with the unique ability to see other people's auras. Her best friend from childhood, Mervella, is a warrior and soldier, trained in the use of all sorts of weapons and armor. They had grown up in a small village in the middle of nowhere. But now they are on the run, driven from their home by an unknown shadowy force that grows stronger with every living being it kills. Tasked by the goddess Elstar who grants her magic powers and aided by a colorful group of battle-hardened heroes, Rhojeka seeks out a legendary sword from lore forbidden: the "Black Dragon". This indestructable weapon is rumored to not only change the fate of the entire world, but also to grant its wielder the power to slay a god...Cover design by @JABrownOfficial…

... And A Shiny New Sword - The Tale of Garbus the Malcontent

... And A Shiny New Sword - The Tale of Garbus the Malcontent

75 7 9

He saved the princess from a fire-breathing dragon. He slew demons with his sword. He single-handedly drove the armies of eternal darkness from the doorstep of his king. But when Garbus, the warrior, returns to the king for his reward, all he gets from the nitwit is a worthless sword and a bag with a hundred gold pieces. "Enough is enough," Garbus tells himself - and sets out to take over the kingdom for himself. A witty bard, a professional "damsel in distress" and several other colorful individuals accompany him on his quest which will turn out to be less heroic and more absurd."Conan The Barbarian" meets "Tropic Thunder" in this humorous take on epic fantasy tales and tropes.WARNING: Rated mature for strong language, gratuitous violence, sexual innuendos, alcohol abuse and overall questionable behavior.Rated immature for humor and stupidity.…

Shut Up And Write - The Assignments

Shut Up And Write - The Assignments

287 19 19

As recoomended, the finished assignments of our community "Shut Up And Write" are going in this book, starting with my contribution to the "Survival Of The Fittest 2022" contest.…

Unicorn Riders - Der Jäger im Schatten

Unicorn Riders - Der Jäger im Schatten

77 1 17

Cover-Design: @Black_panther31In ferner Zukunft: Die Galaxis wurde von Kriegen zerrüttet. Söldnergruppen streifen umher und erledigen die Drecksarbeit für machthungrige Konzerne. Zu ihnen gehören die "Unicorn Riders", eine kleine Gruppe von Spezialisten unter der Führung des gutmütigen Captain Stone.Als auf einem abgelegenen Waldplaneten die Mission auf dramatische Weise scheitert, muss seine Stellvertreterin Kate Lipinsky das Kommando über die "Unicorn Riders" übernehmen. Gejagt von konkurrierenden Söldnern und belauert von einem legendären Attentäter hat sie nur ein Ziel: Ihre Leute sicher von diesem Planeten wegzubringen...…

Unicorn Riders - Pinch (English)

Unicorn Riders - Pinch (English)

777 78 25

„Probably better than being grounded..."This thought crosses 11 year old Vera Lippson's mind, daughter of an intergalactic mercenary, when she is brought to the mercenary academy on the peaceful planet Geshtachius Prime. Ever since she plays the helpless victim bound for rescue in training missions. But she longs for more in live. On her 13th birthday she gets a real chance - and a mission.But when everything falls apart, Vera is on her own in the wilderness of the planet. Her way home crosses the path of a band of criminals searching for a legendary treasure. Fearless and armed with her wits she takes the fight to the villains - and soon they learn that she is no one to trifle with...…

The Demon Hunter

The Demon Hunter

461 49 22

Brace yourself! Cause everything you might know about the nature of evil might be turned upside down in here. Just like it happened to Simon, who was sentenced to prison for a murder he committed. When psychologist Lauren Miller interviews him to prepare him for a parole hearing, she is surprised about his good nature and his honesty, despite of his terrible crime.A strange murder series is taking place all over the city, and Lauren's husband David is tasked with the investigation. Lauren discovers through the interviews that the story of Simon and this investigation might be connected in a way that goes beyond the mind of mere mortals...…

Unicorn Riders - Pinch's Mission (english)

Unicorn Riders - Pinch's Mission (english)

38 4 5

Two years after her first adventure "Pinch" travels the galaxy as member of the mercenary group "Unicorn Riders" and takes on missions. During such a mission, the hunt for a criminal on the ice planet New Wacken, she ends up in a cave of ice and is confronted by three visions showing her the past, the present and a gloomy future...Inspired by Charles Dickens…

Unicorn Riders - Pinchs Mission

Unicorn Riders - Pinchs Mission

183 3 18

Zwei Jahre nach ihrem ersten Abenteuer ist "Pinch" als Mitglied der "Unicorn Riders" Söldnergruppe in der Galaxis unterwegs, um Aufträge zu erfüllen. Bei einem solchen Auftrag, der Verfolgung eines Kriminellen auf dem Eisplaneten New Wacken, landet sie jedoch in einer Eishöhle und wird dort von drei Visionen konfrontiert, die ihr die Vergangenheit, die Gegenwart und eine düstere Zukunft zeigen...Frei nach Charles Dickens.…

Unicorn Riders - Pinch

Unicorn Riders - Pinch

342 60 26

„Wahrscheinlich besser als Hausarrest..." Das denkt sich die elfjährige Vera Lippson, Tochter eines intergalaktischen Söldners, als sie zur Söldner-Akademie auf dem friedlichen Planeten Geshtachius Prime gebracht wird. Fortan spielt sie in Übungsmissionen das hilflose Opfer, das gerettet werden muss. Doch sie will mehr vom Leben. An ihrem dreizehnten Geburtstag bekommt sie eine echte Chance - und eine Mission. Doch als alles aus den Fugen gerät, ist Vera in der Wildnis des Planeten auf sich allein gestellt. Ihr Weg nach Hause kreuzt den einer Verbrecherbande, die auf der Suche nach einem sagenumwobenen Schatz ist. Unerschrocken und mit ihrem Verstand bewaffnet nimmt sie den Kampf gegen die Schurken auf - und bald merken diese, dass man sich mit ihr lieber nicht anlegen sollte...…

The Honour Hunter (A Metalian short story)

The Honour Hunter (A Metalian short story)

24 0 2

The Metalian Code of Honour contains three rules:1. Do not break a promise!2. Do not harm innocent people!3. Do not fight a fellow Metalian!Metalians who violate these rules are brought to justice and are regarded as renegades and outcasts. Those who escape justice are hunted down by honour hunters like Quinn Connors, former veteran soldier of the Imperial Guard of New Wacken. One way or another they will face their judgement...His current assignment sets Quinn on the trail of kidnappers who had abducted the young woman Kira. He chases them down to the planet Aquatica, an ocean world on which the inhabitants live in giant swimming cities. Quinn is prepared to do anything necessary to save Kira's life, but not everything is like it seems to be...…