semester at sea | a roleplay

semester at sea | a roleplay

82 17 4

" semester at sea is a study abroad program " " with each voyage, the semester at sea community is made up of individuals over 30+ countries and a total of over 200 universities " ______________________________________realistic literate human roleplay. [ college / university ]…

222 | original characters

222 | original characters

140 12 7

filled with individual characters i use to join into roleplays with. ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿[ no art / images are mine ]…

"paw prints" - stray dog roleplay | closed X

8,117 107 10

[ closed as of april 2020 ] Dogs and cats all over the world have been taken from streets, shelters and even homes to be illegally tested on. They would become living experiments to the scientists who work on the animals. Without mercy, the scientists poke and prod at the animals with tools that even surgeons won't use. They make sure the animals are in perfect condition before they are sent off in planes to trained scientists who would work underground to create mutations who would work against the government. But what happens when the plane crashes and the animals are sent into a world of death and survival?…

"jaxville" - stray dog roleplay | closed X

3,676 102 17

[ closed as of dec. 2020 ] Book two in my "PAW PRINTS" Roleplay series. DISCLAIMER: You do NOT need to be apart of the roleplay before to join into this one. The animals that survived the first roleplay are allowed to be brought into this one and you are allowed to make new ones too. __________________When animals are taken from their homes with no trace and brought to be experimented on by scientists, things become odd. But it only becomes odder. When the animals were sent off in a plane, it crashed in the middle of nowhere in a freezing cold terrain. The dogs and cats fought for survival and formed packs. They didn't think there was anywhere else to go.. But there was. There were more animals, the ones who didn't fit the perfect stereotype. The bigger, stronger, fiercer ones. They were also sent off in a plane to be sent away instead. Their plane crashed as well but they crashed somewhere else. In Jaxville. Jaxville was an abandon city where these brutal animals made their home. Survival was hard as packs formed and some ruled the city. That's not even the odd part. The scientists were saving these animals as a deadly disease was rapidly spreading and infecting all humans and animals. The humans moved into safe houses or died while only some animals survived. The scientists were saving these animals with the treatment. But not all were safe. Some were infected by the disease and turned rabid. They tired to kill any animals when the sun went down. They rise in the night and take down whatever they can Will you survive it this time?…