I'm a weird ass girl with no life who don't give a damn and with probably scare you or scar 4 leaf.I'm too mlg 4 you ALL HAIL DADDY SHREK AND MOMMY CHEZ! See I told you I would potentially scare or scar you :))))))) <--- my double chins…
Sometimes there's people who aremeant to be together, not in a love like relationship, a bond, a trust and a thing called Best Friends.Their names were, Dylan, Claire, and Diamond. Right after high school graduation, it was summer.That summer, was the worst starting to summer ever! That is because, Dylan got sick, not a flu sickness, a cancerous sickness.She's dying like flower petals falling to the ground, but as she gets sicker. All she has is one request, to see find her mother, in California.Bad things happen, good things happen.Sometimes you never know, cause you see these girls don't take chances, nor risk."Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."They eventually find out the real meaning of friends, happiness, and life. They learn they never thought they'd learn before, it's lessons, life lessons..."She's falling hard and dying like flower petals... But still beautiful..."Cover made by: @SwedishTacoTruck…
They both were on the ZPD, normal partners stopping crime. Usual Nick flirting with Judy... Calling her names as everyone know, Carrots, Dumb Bunny, Sly Bunny, Cottontail...All because one nickname for her, they just gravitated towards each other in love. Like *BOOM! But it's not like they just started liking each other.... ;)(Also there their human animal type selves Idk..)*4 MATURE READERZ ONLY*(Saying inspired by PrimitiveSpongebob) Cover by(SwedishTacoTruck )…
This book is for DADDY!! DADDY loves us, it's nevr ogre m8 Get shrekt scrubCheck urself b4 u shrek urself m9Noobs: fight me irl m8 u skrub ur teim is ogreDADDY Shrek: u skrub only ur teim is ogre I em teh mlg Lord u cunt taem meh!Noobs: omg em surry 4 tretin u liek dat em surry DADDYDADDY Shrek: chek urself b4 u shrek urself m9 ur teim is ervur get on ur hunds n naes su e cun fuk YOU!Noob: yas Lord! Ull 4 DADDY shrekHay iz LordShrek iz luv shrek iz leaf Lern it riet skrub Lern it now m8…