Sunderbans Anthology (Shorts, ongoing)

Sunderbans Anthology (Shorts, ongoing)

640 65 15

Backstories and shorts for SunderbansThere are several shorts for Tag & Tel: The Academy Years. They start after Tel gets to the Academy. The last one will be in 3206. The Merchant is contemporary with Sunderbans K, while the Return of the Lukadia is set some 90 years earlier.Comments welcome - looking to see this kind of work is appealing and/or helpful to readers.Enjoy!…

Sunderbans  K: The beginning of the Ky Epic

Sunderbans K: The beginning of the Ky Epic

1,507 156 14

DRAFT: BackstoryCaptain Tagus Perida and has been tasked with a mission: to scout the Wilderness and probe Mostrel territory - find out what their arch enemy, the Mostrel, are really up to. But Tagus has a mission of his own, avenge his father's death. And a direct order from the Commodore is unlikely to stop him. After the Alecto picks up a special team, they set out. Only to be harassed, diverted, and poked in too many places. Not to mention, have to pick up survivors from Mostrel attacks. When they finally get back to the mission and slip into enemy territory, they soon find they are being hunted down by friend and foe.Set in space, just outside the galaxy core, where the Ky, working with the ages old Empire, have been holding off the onslaught of the Mostrel.…

Toronaga - A Little Late  (A Sunderbans Short) Complete!

Toronaga - A Little Late (A Sunderbans Short) Complete!

560 55 8

An old Ky freighter blunders into the Wilderness, only to find they cannot leave quick enough, and their enemy is on the prowl.This is a Short from the Sunderbans Universe, a rewrite of one of my early space battles I wrote for Sunderbans: K. It's five chapters long and mostly focuses on the bridge crew of the Toronaga as they fight for their lives.Constructive comments/criticism appreciated.…

Remote Control Airplanes Journal

Remote Control Airplanes Journal

94 11 16

This is... less of a story, and more of a journal. I'll list the RC (Remote Control) Aircraft I have and the updates (upgrades, crashes, fixes) for them. I'll also cover equipment, repairing, modifying, and other things related to flying RC planes.…

Odds and ends

Odds and ends

104 15 5

You might find poetry here, or not. It's a place for shorts, things that crept into my head, or worse.If you like something and want to use it, contact me.…

The Distollovph

The Distollovph

88 17 3

A stranger comes to visit an enchanted librarian, with unintended consequences.…

Ideas: Shorts and Longs

Ideas: Shorts and Longs

80 2 7

This is a listing of several shorts ideas/plots. Some ideas might be finished, others just fleeting ideas. And of course - everything in between.If you like one of them, let me know and I'll see if I can flesh it out.Ongoing!…