La última oportunidad

La última oportunidad

16 1 1

Este es el último año. Como muchos han de saber, en este instituto han ocurrido cientos de dramas, y a la vez, cientos de sucesos que le alegraron el día a más de uno. Sin embargo, este sera el último año que cursaremos mis compañeros y yo en el Sweet Amoris antes de entrar finalmente a la universidad. Pero antes de que eso ocurra, debo de comenzar a trabajar en algunos proyectos importantes, y terminar otros, porque este es mi última oportunidad. Esta sera mi última oportunidad de vengarme al 100% de tres brujas, mudarme de con mis padres y contarle a cierto pelirrojo la verdad acerca de lo que he sentido a lo largo del tiempo en que nos hemos conocido. Me llamo Hikari, y sean bienvenidos al fin de la historia de los causantes del drama que ha existido en el instituto Sweet Amoris. Disfrútenlo!~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~DISCLAIMERLos personajes que se mencionan en esta historia no me pertenecen, excepto Hikari. :)…

Aggressive cat, mischievous dog

Aggressive cat, mischievous dog

237 41 30

You've always heard about girls that when you call the cute, the say ' thank you' but, have you ever heard about the kind of girls that when you tell them they're cute, they call you idiot?Well then, meet Kitty, a.k. Kitty cat, with long black silky hair and green piercing eyes just by walking next to her, you can't avoid stare at her. Her personality is something you can never understand, sarcastic, aggressive and cold are the words that describe her perfectly. She always gets what she wants, even if that means that she will hurt you, she won't doubt to do it to get her objective, but, if your someone special to her, she will do whatever is necessary to make you happy. The only two persons that know the reason of her personality are Maika and Zack, her tow best friends and the 'most hated person in her life'. But that so hated person is very important in this story, Jasper.Jasper is the player guy type of the highschool, completely the opposite as Kitty, but at the same time, completely the same. And is that, Jasper knows the black haired girl since always, but something changed back years ago, something that made them to fight always like a cat against a dog. But Jasper is determinate to bring back again the old girl that was always smiling, happy and cheerful, even if that means that he has to go through again, her now stone heart.Who says that cats and dogs can't be together at the end?…

Zombies everywhere!

Zombies everywhere!

698 23 25

Janelle was doing her homework, when a loud bang came outside of her apartment, her friends Yiliana and Shimi had some handguns telling her to pack her necessary stuff and take a gun, because all of the sudden, there was a zombie apocalypse, so she packed her things in a duffel bag and grabbed an M92. They made there way out of the apartment and out of the building.When they got out of it, everywhere, the people were bitten by zombies, then a heavily armed Humer came towards them, the passenger door opened and in the driver's seat, was their mother fucking bad ass Snive.-Get in bitches!-Yelled Snive.Before Janelle got in, a zombie, she tried to push it away but it did not get off her, before Yiliana could kill it with her katana, a bullet went through the zombie's head, Janelle looked up and saw Toti on top of the Hummer, seating in his motorcycle holding a Smith and Welson 500.-Get rekt bitches!- Yelled Toti.Janelle quickley got in the Hummer and Snive stepped on the gas and they drove off to their journey of survival...…