Just my art

Just my art

319 42 16

Cover by @Decambers I'm putting the art that I do in here for you to look at if you want. It's mainly paintings because I suck at drawing 😂😂Hope you enjoy xx…

Just Poetry

Just Poetry

692 70 15

My poetry. Read if you like word twists, complex vocabulary and sentences of utter nonsense. Yeah, that's literally what my poems are. Rhyming lines of extreme nothingness. XxCover by @YoursTrulyMaryZ(The first few are okay, but then I just start word vomiting my problems)…



173 40 11

So I was planning on just making this one singular short story type thing (like, one chapter) but then I had ideas for other stories (other ones that are only one chapter long too - sorry!) so decided to group them all together, because you know...Just give them a go. WARNING: they are pretty dark!! I'll try and do a summary that can link them all together but it epmay not work. .........................................................................................................................................................................................Bullet. No one is bullet proof, and that's what makes everyone vulnerable. Defence. No matter how strong someone's shield is, if they don't strike back, their shield will break, and the knives will be free to roam any corner of your being, pulling the pain, over the edge and causing clouds to cover our vision. War. War can take the lives of many people, mercilessly,p. But it isn't war's fault, he was brought up that way.…

Tags - what did I do?

Tags - what did I do?

177 15 5

People keep tagging me???So here they are…