Champagne Problems

Champagne Problems

15 2 2

Strangers: Two passing faces in a crowdFriends: Long to trust your allies Lovers: Learn to dance in time with fateStrangers: Lost in the tumble of the receding tide…

Ocean of Secrets

Ocean of Secrets

15 3 2

My Heir, April 10th, 1808If you are receiving this note then it means two things. One: your world is about to hit rock bottom. Two: you are my heir, and therefore need to understand that I say these next words with a vengeance in my heart. You must find your way to your estate in Norway. I have evidence that will help you destroy your greatest enemy once and for all, giving you the power that I know you deserve. At this point, you must be skeptical, but I must ask you to trust me. For who else would know that Leif Aldridge was my betrothed and that I ran to your ancestor Benjamin Sullivan to help escape the treacherous Aldridge household. Regards, Katheryn Ellingboe…

Sword of Ashes

Sword of Ashes

179 27 13

I am Ravenna Halegrave. I will be the next queen. Evil Queen.…