Infernal Symphony

Infernal Symphony

2,553 46 1

For years, Michael, the powerful archangel and most feared of demon hunters, has been inexplicably obsessed with Lux, the Devil's youngest daughter. A forbidden obsession, hidden behind his duty and an ancient hatred. So when Lux falls into the clutches of a malevolent creature, Michael seizes the chance to get close to her, saving her from a fatal fate.But this unexpected rescue marks the beginning of a dangerous, intense bond that neither of them could have foreseen. Sworn enemies by nature, they find themselves trapped by an attraction that defies the heavens and threatens to consume them. Tasked by Lucifer to track down Icarion-a mysterious being capable of upending the fragile balance between light and darkness-Lux must face countless obstacles.As unseen threats loom closer, Lux and Michael must navigate lies, betrayals, and forbidden desires. Can their love survive the inevitable clash, or are they doomed to become cursed lovers for eternity?Book 1 of The Symphony Trilogy 8CC March-April…

Infernal Symphony

Infernal Symphony

260 18 3

Depuis des années, Michael, le puissant archange et le plus redouté des chasseurs de démons, est inexplicablement obsédé par Lux, la plus jeune fille du Diable. Une obsession interdite, dissimulée derrière son devoir et une haine ancestrale. Alors, lorsque Lux tombe entre les griffes d'une créature malveillante, Michael saisit enfin l'occasion de s'approcher d'elle, la sauvant d'une issue fatale.Mais ce sauvetage inattendu scelle le début d'un lien dangereux, intense, que ni l'un ni l'autre n'aurait pu anticiper. Ennemis jurés par nature, ils se retrouvent pris au piège d'une attirance qui défie les cieux et menace de les consumer. Lux, chargée par Lucifer de retrouver Icarion - un être mystérieux capable de bouleverser l'équilibre fragile entre lumière et ténèbres - doit affronter bien des obstacles.Alors que des menaces invisibles se précisent, Lux et Michael devront naviguer entre mensonges, trahisons et désirs interdits. Leur amour peut-il survivre à l'inévitable affrontement, ou sont-ils condamnés à devenir des amants maudits pour l'éternité ?…

The Wall

The Wall

101 16 4

This story is created for the EC Writing Contest, by @Xannalurel and @LyzDeWinterLuke Carter's life on Mars is shadowed by haunting nightmares and unsettling mysteries. Every night, he's tormented by visions of his family lost in Earth's apocalypse, and every day, he navigates the cold, sterile reality of the Martian colony. But when he discovers a crack in the colony's towering walls, Luke uncovers a hidden settlement and a truth that shatters everything he thought he knew.As he delves deeper into the mystery, Luke confronts questions about his identity, the colony's true purpose, and the dark secrets that lie beyond the walls. His journey takes him to the edge of sanity and safety, forcing him to confront a past that refuses to stay buried.The Walls is a gripping sci-fi thriller that explores the thin line between reality and illusion, as Luke races against time to uncover the truth in a world where nothing is as it seems.…