Does it ring a bell when you hear the story of a sweet, perfect girl from the neighborhood that one day meet a guy, who fits in her life like a bump fits with a nose? And then suddenly everything changes? Suddenly the sun starts to wake you with its rays in a more pleasant way. Suddenly all of that trashy love songs start to make sense. Suddenly you feel that "home" is more about a person than about a place. Suddenly everything is possible and the world just can't wait for you to conquer it. You know all of those like they are just set patterns after patterns and everything is boring as fuck. Well, Aliyah probably can't confirm any of those things for you, but she is absolutely certain that someone just stumbled over something on the front porch of her home and made so much drank bump that it came as a surprise that he didn't wake her neighbors.Hi guys, I'd love to present to you my first serious attempt in writing anything in English. It's not my mother tongue so there may be many mistakes so feel free to point them out for me, please. After all, this is not only an important story for me but also possibility to practice this language. I hope you will enjoy the story tho.PL: Jeśli ktoś natrafił na tę książkę to chciałabym tylko zauważyć, że polska wersja publikowana jest pod tytułem "To (nie) jest kolejna z tandetnych historii o miłości" i też można bezproblemowo znaleźć ją na moim profilu. Miłego czytania!…