Between Two Lines

Between Two Lines

47 10 4

Except from Chapter 1:"Why are you here? I don't believe this nervous bullshit for a minute. So, I ask again, why are you here?" I turn to leave but she quickly blocks the door and grabs the handle. "What do you mean?" She scoffs. "You know what I mean. You don't seem excited at all. In fact, you seem uninterested. Why be here, then? Do you know how many girls would kill for the chance to be in your place?" I sigh and rub my wrist. "My parents forced me to join." She pushes me against the wall. "No they didn't. You joined willfully." I stare at her with fear stricken eyes. "Whatever. Just don't ruin this for us all." Why did I join? Was it because I was bored? Did I sign up as a joke? I honestly didn't expect to get in but... I did... However, who was this girl to question my motives? She starts to head out but I quickly grab her arm. "Now it's your turn to answer questions from me. Why are you here? What's the deal?" She turns to me and smiles a evil, sarcastic smile. "I'm here because I have what it takes to be a model. You will be like me one day, if you're lucky." She then leans in close and whispers, "Or you could wind up dead." 'Wait, what?" I shouldn't take her bait but this whole model school scheme is sketchy to me... "Oh don't you worry little Rosey girl. That's just a rumor!" I release her arm and we both walk out of the closet.Cover Made By Me! ^_^…