The Lunar Project
"It's as if the world slows down to a standstill. Touch, taste, smell, hearing, they are all deemed inoperable, all except sight.Sight is amplified.Sight is intensified. Sight becomes my most important asset, and at the same time, becomes my enemy. For if it wasn't for my ability to see, I wouldn't have seen him, with his wide eyes and gaunt face, outstretching his right arm to a peculiar length.I wouldn't have seen the weapon clutched firmly in his hand, pointed directly toward my head. I wouldn't have seen him pull the trigger while looking unapologetically at me.But I do see. I see everything, from his blank, hopeless stare, to the weapon-clad men charging at him unmercilessly.I see him fall to the ground, as if his limbs are pulled out of his body from some unknown force.But first, and to my utter torment, I see his fingertips, blackening and charring as the plague strikes him right before he takes his last breath."© 2014 Liliana Araxes…