

406 9 3

Draco Malfoy is a pureblood, Slytherin, and a Death Eater. How can you get any more badass? You can't.But Draco has a secret.He's in love.With the most unlikely of girls. Someone who would not be considered Draco's "type." But she is more Draco's type than Draco himself. She is poison to him. Talk to her, reputation ruined. Touch her, buried grave. Kiss her, don't even think of showing your face anywhere ever again. Draco wants to love her, but he can't. Because her name is Luna Lovegood.…

The Day I Died: Short Stories

The Day I Died: Short Stories

17 3 3

Ever wonder what Isaac did in his life-or death- that he didn't talk about? How exactly his relationships were with Noah and Lana? What he meant by "Wonderland" when he was dating Delanie? Or why he and Caleb James don't really get along. How he bonded with Dexter and Pippa, and played fetch with Jack. His annual fishing trips with his dad, or cooking some mac and cheese with his mom. How he was in school, and even some scenes from death with Phoenix, Tyrone and Frank. Be prepared to know EVERYTHING.…



109 13 12

Best friends, Noah, Beatrice, Carlos, Shae, Seth and Janette are going on their first sleep away school trip to a ski resort. As they're walking to their cabins, the six friends get lost in a blizzard and separated from the rest of their class. When Noah spots an old abandoned cottage just yards away, the six slowly make their way over to it. While Beatrice searches the cellar for blankets, she discovers a large radioactive gas container. Once Carlos sees it, his curiosity kicks in and soon later the six find themselves more than just missing.…