Growth, Love & Everything Above

Growth, Love & Everything Above

901 270 61

A collection of old and new poems over the past years. Each chapter is a different poem. Some are about love, relationships, break-ups. Others about self reflection, doubt, depression. There is healing and nature based poems as well. Would love feedback. Please let me know what you liked and what I could work on. Thank you so much for reading!…

My Heart In Your Hands

My Heart In Your Hands

105 15 14

Love & Heartbreak…

April Showers

April Showers

1,314 424 31

This collection is for the Versification challenge for the month of April. Each chapter is a prompt themed story or poem. Thank you for taking the time to read along, let me know what you think!…

Nightmares and Fairytales

Nightmares and Fairytales

179 17 5

A vivid dreamer. They aren't always happy dreams. They don't always make sense. The dreams hold onto to me tightly, refusing to let me break out of the fear it engulfs me in. When I finally awaken it lingers in the shadows. Stalking me in the waking life, waiting for me to fall back into its chaos. This is the collection of shorts stories inspired by my nightmares, daydreams and other short stories.**Halloween Vault 2023 entry is Haunted Manor Chapter**…

Body Snatchers

Body Snatchers

194 25 14

Elana lives in her grandmother's house with her younger sister Lavender, and her eccentric psychic mother Meri. Her loving grandmother, always cooking up something delicious, and her loving boyfriend just next door. Aside from the friction between Elana, and her mother, she lives a relatively normal, and happy life. If only Meri would grow up, and check in with reality once in a while. Elana doesn't approve of her mother's psychic life style. Meri is always running off, to embrace, and grow her psychic power. Lana doesn't believe her mother is psychic at all. She believes her mother is a flakey hippie living in her own make-belief world. Until, her mother leaves on yet another psychic retreat, and suddenly Lana is bombarded with horrific, vivid nightmares. A local girl in danger, but no one knows she's even missing. When Meri returns, all chaos breaks loose.Awards:Unchained Imagination Contest 2023, Received Honorable Mention!Angelic Contest 2023, 1st Place Stage One…