Is It Mine?
As your third anniversary as a couple approaches, Jimin's bandmates, who hold a special place in your heart, are helping you plan a surprise for him. However, misunderstandings lead to jealousy, anger, and heartache.Jimin begins to question your loyalty to what he thought was the perfect relationship. Although you have been together as an official couple for three years, he senses something has changed in you. The more he sees, the more he thinks he knows."I need you to answer a question and answer it honestly, Jimin.""Ask me anything," he waits for your question with trepidation."Your heart . . . is it mine?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You couldn't reach Jimin all day, and when you walk into the bedroom, you catch the lingering scent of perfume, but it's not yours. Seeing the hurt and accusation in your eyes, he knows that what he did can never be forgiven. But you betrayed him first . . right?He shifts the blame on you, saying, "You can't trust me because I can't trust you!"You understand what he means as your heart breaks, and the scent causes your stomach to roll and heave. How could he do this to you? Do you even know her?How far do Yoongi and J Hope have to take matters to make him see reason? Will the others finish the surprise in time to save your relationship?Has the trust between you and Jimin permanently been destroyed, all because of love?BTS and OC. Cover by: L.A.Joyner(Disclaimer)I use Grammarly ONLY as an aid in proofreading. The most it does is show me where commas should be and where 'you' should be 'your' (I have a bad habit of dropping the r, lol). It also points out where there is an extra space to remove. It does not help me write the story or write my story for me.…