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Ezt a sztorit egy korábbi D&D session inspirálta. Sajnos a játék félbemaradt, de ennek ellenére megírtam a karakterem háttérsztoriját, itt van ni. Daiya, a sötét elfek fiatal papnője, a tizennyolcadik születésnapján megismeri az apja legborzalmasabb titkát. A faluból senkinek sem tárhatja ki a szívét, kivéve Milót, a fiút, aki bármit megtenne érte. Milo már évek óta könyörög a lánynak, hogy menjen fel a fényre, de Daiya nem biztos benne, hogy máshol is lenne számára hely...addig a baljós éjszakáig, mikor végre beszélni kezdenek hozzá az istenek.…


[email protected]

4,708 327 25

Démonok léteznek. Lesben állnak az interneten. Elcsábítanak a facebookon. Alkut kötnek veled azon a bizonyos fekete weboldalon. Egy fiú egy szomorú múlttal eladja a lelkét, egy lány pedig szerelmet keres. Két közös vágyuk van, hogy híres írók lehessenek és hogy szerethessék egymást. De ki menti meg a lelküket?…

Will you trade your blood for muffins?

Will you trade your blood for muffins?

530 15 7

"Okay, I will be frank about what I want" Sydney said, looking at the young boy, who still didn't say a single word. His stare made her kind of nervous. "I am a vampire. You are a human. I have muffins. You have blood. I'm suggesting a trade." Sydney lied to the vampire elders to escape her coronation. She succeeded, but her situation is still not so happy, because she doesn't have any blood to drink. She have always refused the idea of killing humans, or taking their blood against their will. Than there is that mute homeless boy with the mysterious, sweet scent, that she comes across on her way to the supermarket. Next time she sees him, he's in the middle of jumping off a bridge. Are these just coincidences or do they share a common fate?…



966 64 17

A torony ebédlőjében éjfélt ütött a nagy falióra. A két fiú édesen aludt, végre puha ágyban a hideg föld helyett, na meg persze jóllakottan, mikor a szoba ajtaja nyikorogva kitárult. Hajszálakból szőtt fekete karok nyitották ki.Abban a pillanatban két ezüstkereszt volt a toronyban. Az egyik a szobában, az éppen egy beszélő lókirályról álmodó Zen nyakában, a másik a vízben ringatódzott békésen a macskalábú kád mélyén.A nyitott ajtón Beatrice lépett be. Háromszáz év hosszú idő volt, de most végre könnyíthetett a szenvedésén. Halkan Mir ágya mellé lépett.- Köszönöm, hogy megszülettél. - suttogta a kisfiú fülébe, azzal a nyakába mélyesztette a fogait.…

The Broadcast

The Broadcast

96 1 5

Sometimes he had to watch The Broadcast with him. There was a program with monthly upload that the man really liked. It had been called the Great French Chess Massacre. Every time, he would pull the boy's head in his lap, comb through his soft hair, and feel him trembling slightly below his hand, while he would hold a bottle of cheap beer in the other one, only out of old habit, since he had a lot of money. He would drink the Ursus, and talk to the young blonde while looking at the screen and making him do the same. There's no way the boy wouldn't listen. He's too afraid. On screen, there had been a terrifying ordeal going on. A kind of human chess, where the fallen pieces were dragged off the board and beheaded. With living people of course. Beside the "chessboard" stood a guillotine. So that's why they called it French. The owners of the pieces could buy them back right before execution time, for double the price they had sold them to the company owning GFCM. Usually they didn't. All the pieces on losing side had been killed. That's why they called it massacre. And then the man would casually tell the boy: 'If I decide to kill you one day, that's one fine way to do it, don't you think?'And the boy would answer 'Yes, Sir.'…

My prince is a white horse

My prince is a white horse

210 3 1

Well, it's not a spin off of the famous Disney tale. It's just a short story which will make you laugh. :)…



84 2 2

Audrey is lost in her life. She hates school and is afraid of her family. It's not like they are that bad, but she feels like she's a slave to this world. That she can never be free. That family means shackles. Maybe that's the reason why her favourite teddy bear comes to life in her dreams. Teddy is cruel, and Audrey becomes just like the fantasy. She starts her journey as a serial killer. The motivation: to escape being medicore. To stand out. To write herself into history. And to find a boy who can make her feel like she's really alive.…