"You are at the Underworld Office..." said the office attendant with a smile. "We don't hurt people here... Usually..." continued the black shadow beside him, swinging his pair of scissors. "U-usually?!" stuttered the girl who was already dumbfounded by what was she seeing right now. She had just woke up, to find herself in this office with these two people talking to each other. One of them was an average young man who had glasses and he wore a suit of an office attendant. While the other was a figure covered in pitch-black who had curly hair, and he carried black scissors that looked dangerous... ❤PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE READING THIS BOOK!!!❤🎞WARNINGS:🎞This book may include the dangers below;✂Sharp objects (Knife, scissors)✂Blood✂Swear/curse words✂Spoilers (If you haven't played UWO* and CIU** yet, this is fanfiction about what happened after all that in CIU, So... If you don't like spoilers, I recommend you to play the games first, to also be able to understand some things in this...)(UWO=The Underworld Office, CIU= Charlie In Underworld) ...So if you're sensitive about these, I recommend you to not read this book... Also, there might be some changes to this since the story is still in progress... But if you still wanna read it?... Well then, I warned you... This book may not have a good ending... Wait... I didn't warn about the SAD ENDING possibility!!! Oh well... Nevermind, enjoy!!!☘…