Based off the books made by Minun Amour, Switchy, Troy, T.Boi, Void, Humanoid, Burning_flames69, Flittle, Moon and AJ (Greninjakid). My 1st ACTUAL Pokemon ToD book plus this book will have special guest character from Pokemon Freedom Planet!Also my 4th wall fixer is CraftyCorn.…
After an encounter with a Pikachu that Team Rocket captured. Ash was transformed into a Pikachu again and now it's up to him and his friends to find a way to get him back to normal before he's stuck as a Pikachu forever. A/N: I made the art for the cover :)…
Based off of various Character Elimination shows that I watch on YT. Camilla the Leafeon, Star the Sylveon, Flower the Leafeon and Berry the Espeon are the hosts for this book. 80 Competitors will compete for 1 million dollars and a very special prize. 8 teams of 10 will be made and out of the 8 teams, 1 team will be up for elimination or sometimes a double elimination. There will also be requests, rejoins, prize handers and new characters to join the show if a contestant is out.…
1st HTF fanfic and this will have NO blood or violence in it. Based off of a Season 4 Oggy and The Cockroaches episode called Back to the Past!The pic for the cover doesn't belong to me. All characters belong to Mondo Media.…
I asked T.Boi if I can rewrite his old story and he said yes.Ash and Serena have been turned into Eevees after finding a strange gemstone crystal. Now they must figure out a way to change them back before their Eevees forever.…
This art for the cover does NOT belong to me and this story is based off on my dream from last night.Takes place during the Battle Frontier season. When Ash gets regressed down to a baby but he still has his mind and can still talk due to Team Rocket, Misty, Brock, May and Max decided to take care of him and protect him and they have to find a way to get him back to the normal age again.This fanfic is inspired by baby Colby by tailslover42 and Sonic Baby by angel-de-la-verdad on deviantart.…
For my friend Glcheairs! So this book takes place in the events of chapter 4 of ES FP and canon ES. This book focuses on Midnight and Silvia's relationship. Original art by EV Zero.…
1st FP book! In this book, you can ask or dare the FP AU heroes and villains like Kai, Drazeros, Skye, Judora, Midnight, Nightmare, Rudy, Stoneheart, Sunflower, Frostbite and their families, friends, crushes and future kids! (Note: This is a temp book cover for now.)…
Based on Project Pokecomic. A young teenage girl who lost her parents when she was young struggles to make friends and has PTSD due to the death of her parents. Then one day, she brought a machine and it made the SSEC and Eevolves characters come to life, she and her new friends will have adventures that will be crazy and insane. Pls read SSEC and Eevolves before reading this book and these characters belong to Scruffyeevee.…
Based off on Eeveelution Quest by StarEevee. Lavender and her sisters found a glowing pink star on the ground and decided to take it. Unaware that Paw Claw has plans to steal the star and take over the world after kidnapping the parents of Lavender and the others and making them his minions. Now it's up to Lavender, Shock, Pyre, Fizz, LeafJolt, Brooklyn, Nella, Shade and Iris to stop him and save the universe.…
A young girl name Trixie lost her parents in an accident when she was 5 years old. She was then adopted into a foster family with kind and gentle parents. One day as she was at home after school, a strange vortex sucked her into a world where humans don't exist. She then wakes up and she was mysteriously transformed into an Eevee. She then meets a Vulpix name Lumia and the 2 form a rescue team called Team Freespirit. Now in the world of Pokemon, Trixie and Lumia go on amazing adventures, rescuing pokemon, finding treasures in dungeons and fighting bad guys along the way!…
Inspired by BFIW and BFLM and based off on TDI and Survivor (TV Show on CBS). Your favorite characters join as contestants when they compete in a TDI and Survivor-like book to win the Amethyst Crystal Heart.…
Based on Dimension Drifters by @sonictheforreal1243 and Universe Shifters by @theboi986. After Sakura made her universe machine, Camilla and her friends travel throughout different dimensions while their demon clones are chasing after them.…
A young 16 year old high school girl Kiera transforms into an Eevee and gets sent to the PMD world with Camilla, Star, Pretty Bit (Who turned into a Glaceon) and Luna where they meet a Jigglypuff, a Shinx, a Pikachu, a Raichu, a Jolteon, a Wigglytuff, a Fennekin, 2 Scrobunnys, 4 Eevees, a Jolteon, a Piplup, an Axew, a Pansage, a Togepi, a Croagunk, a Torchic, a Ralts, a Chespin, a Dedenne, 2 Alolan Vulpixs, a Marill, a Glaceon, a Petill, an Alolan Marowak, a Poppilio a Steenee, Sprigatito, a Fuecoco, a Qualky, a Glameow and a Ratatta as they travel in the new world and meeting new friends and enemies along the way.Cover made by sonictheforreal1243.…