i got bored in ila and class is almost over 11/20/17And now I'm just writing it because I'm bored 11/24/17Yes both Jacobs read thisJacob H. Doesn't approve and I get why.Jacob B, was alright with itThere are few true facts as well…
Let's acknowledge that I stated writing this when I was in 6th grade, so things might be written weird, my opinions may change, my use of words will change too. I also might go back into old chapters and make things a little more clearer than what they were before I fixed them.____This is a kind of journal type thing for me. So if I read back on it I can remember some of the good and stupid things that I've done. ____I'm sorry if you read my weird obsessions and references so I'm very sorry. Actually no I'm not, just don't read if you don't want to read those parts. OR you can just skip the chapters.…